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TGuillerme committed Mar 15, 2019
1 parent 4b69ef4 commit c1f97c1
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,061 additions and 0 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Package: Moms
Title: Measuring Occupancy of Multidimensional Spaces
Author: Thomas Guillerme [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Thomas Guillerme <[email protected]>
Version: 0.1
Date: 2019-03-15
Description: A shiny app for exploring measurements of multidimensional space occupancy (disparity).
R (>= 3.5.2),
License: GPL-3 | file LICENSE
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
674 changes: 674 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

## Utilities

## Functions
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions R/plot.utilities.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#' @title Plot space
#' @description plotting space changes
#' @param space the space to plot (matrix)
#' @param remove logical, the elements to remove or add (using !)
#' @param main the title
#' @param defaults a list of parameters for plot() and points()

#' @example

#' @export

## Plot space function (utility shortcut) <- function(space, remove, main, defaults) {
## Plot the first space
plot(space, pch = defaults$pch, xlim = defaults$xlim, ylim = defaults$ylim, col = defaults$col1,
main = main, xlab = defaults$xlab, ylab = defaults$ylab)

## Plot the second space
points(space[remove,], pch = defaults$pch, col = defaults$col2)
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions R/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#' @title Reduce space
#' @description Remove a proportion of elements in a space following different types
#' @param space the trait space
#' @param type how to reduce the space (either \code{"random"}, \code{"limit"}, \code{"displacement"} or \code{"density"})
#' @param remove the proportion of elements to be removed (in probability)
#' @param parameters the parameter(s) for removal selection (see details). If left empty, the \code{parameters} is estimated to reach the amount set by \code{remove}.
#' @param tuning Optinal parameters for tuning the parameter estimations (if remove is required and parameters is missing) a list of three parameters: "max" for the maximum of operations, "tol" for the tuning (e.g. 0.1 close) "good" for when to decide it's good enough (i.e. stop if it reaches the tuning after X number of times).
#' @param verbose
#' @details
#' - \code{limit.removal parameters}: a list of \code{parameters$centre}, the centre from which to count the radius (if missing, is set to \code{0}); and \code{parameters$radius}, the radius for removal.
#' - \code{displacement.removal parameters}: a list of \code{parameters$value}, value the threshold value from which to remove elements.
#' - \code{density.removal parameters}: a list of \code{parameters$what} "close" (default) for close neighbours or "distant" for distant ones; \code{parameters$diameter} the diameter for considering closeness or distance; \code{parameters$output} either "singles" or "pairs" to return the pairs of neighbours or one of them only (the first).
#' @examples
#' @seealso
#' @author Thomas Guillerme <- function(space, type, remove, parameters, tuning, verbose = FALSE) {

## Add sanitizing
type_available <- c("random", "limit", "displacement", "density")

## Simple removal (simple)
if(type == "random") {
## Number of elements
elements <- nrow(space)
## Return a portion of the space
to_remove <- sample(1:elements, elements*remove)
return(1:elements %in% to_remove)

## Tolerance
if(missing(tuning)) {
tuning <- list()
if(is.null(tuning$max)) {
tuning$max <- 100
if(is.null(tuning$tol)) {
tuning$tol <- 0.01
if(is.null(tuning$inc.steps)) {
tuning$inc.steps <- 2

## Complex removals
if(missing(parameters)) {
parameters <- list()

## Set parameters for specific cases
if(type == "limit") {
## Type function
fun <- run.limit.removal
## Parameters
if(is.null(parameters$centre)) {
parameters$centre <- rep(0, ncol(space))
if(is.null(parameters$radius)) {
parameters$radius <- 1
## Parameter to optimise
parameters$optimise <- parameters$radius
## List of arguments
args <- list("space" = space, "parameters" = parameters)

if(type == "displacement") {
## Type function
fun <- run.displacement.removal
## Parameters
if(is.null(parameters$value)) {
parameters$value <- 1
## Parameter to optimise
parameters$optimise <- parameters$value

if(type == "density") {
## Type function
fun <- run.density.removal
## Parameters
if(is.null(parameters$distance)) {
parameters$distance <- as.matrix(dist(space))
if(is.null(parameters$diameter)) {
parameters$diameter <- 0.5
## Parameter to optimise
parameters$optimise <- parameters$diameter

## List of arguments
args <- list("space" = space, "parameters" = parameters)
## Run the complex removal
to_remove <-, args)

## Optimise the function (if necessary)
if(!missing(remove)) {

## Get out of the corner case of all being TRUE or FALSE
if(all(to_remove) || all(!to_remove)) {
args$parameters$optimise <- runif(1)
to_remove <-, args)

## Optimise
to_remove <- optimise.results(to_remove, fun = fun, remove = remove, args = args, tuning = tuning, verbose = verbose, space = space)

143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions R/reduce.space_fun.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# ' @description Optimise a parameter selection
# ' @param function the function to run for optimisation
# ' @param optimise the argument to optimise
# ' @param criterion the optimisation criterion (e.g. remove = 0.5)
# ' @param tuning a list of three parameters: "max" for the maximum of operations, "tol" for the tuning (e.g. 0.1 close) "good" for when to decide it's good enough (i.e. stop if it reaches the tuning after X number of times).
# ' @param parameters other parameters for the function
# ' @param to_remove the logical list of elements to remove for automatically running the optimisation
# ' @param remove the proportion of elements to be removed (in probability)
# ' @param verbose
# ' @param space
## Optimisation function
optimise.parameter <- function(fun, args, criterion, tuning, verbose) {

## Initialise the optimisation
counter <- 0
increment <- 1

## First run
difference <- length(which(, args)))-criterion

## Optimisation loop
while(difference != 0) {

## Tolerance
if(abs(difference) < tuning$tol*criterion) {

## Modify the parameter to optimise
args$parameters$optimise <- ifelse(difference <= 0, args$parameters$optimise + increment, args$parameters$optimise - increment)

## Second run
new_difference <- length(which(, args))) - criterion

## Check if the increment is to big
while(abs(new_difference/difference) > 1) {
## Reject the optimisation
args$parameters$optimise <- ifelse(difference < 0, args$parameters$optimise - increment, args$parameters$optimise + increment)
## And decrease the increment
increment <- increment/tuning$inc.steps
## Update the optimisation
args$parameters$optimise <- ifelse(difference < 0, args$parameters$optimise + increment, args$parameters$optimise - increment)

# print(args$parameters$optimise)

## Re-do the second run
new_difference <- length(which(, args))) - criterion

## Increment the counter
if(counter < tuning$max) {
counter <- counter + 1
if(verbose) cat(".")
} else {

## Update the difference
difference <- new_difference

## Increment the counter
if(counter < tuning$max) {
counter <- counter + 1
if(verbose) cat(".")
} else {

## Return the optimal parameter
## Wrapping optimisation function
optimise.results <- function(to_remove, fun, remove, args, tuning, verbose = FALSE, space) {

## Set the optimality criterion
criterion <- round(remove * nrow(space))
## Check if optimisation is necessary
if(length(which(to_remove)) != criterion) {

if(verbose) cat("Run parameter optimisation:")

## Find the optimal parameter
args$parameters$optimise <- optimise.parameter(fun, args, criterion = criterion, tuning = tuning, verbose = verbose)

## Rerun the function with the optimal parameter
to_remove <-, args)

if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")

## The different run functions
run.limit.removal <- function(space, parameters) {
return(apply(space, 1,, centre = parameters$centre, radius = parameters$optimise))
run.displacement.removal <- function(space, parameters) {
return(apply(space, 1, select.value, value = parameters$optimise*-1))
run.density.removal <- function(space, parameters) {
close_neigbhours <- get.neigbhours(space, distance = parameters$distance, diameter = parameters$optimise)
return(1:nrow(space) %in% close_neigbhours)

# ' @description Selecting points within a circle
# ' @param point a point in space
# ' @param centre the centre from which to count the radius
# ' @param radius the radius for removal
#' <- function(point, centre = c(0,0), radius) {

## Measure the distance from the center
distance <- sqrt((centre[1]-abs(point[1]))^2 + (centre[2]-abs(point[2]))^2)

## Results
return(ifelse(distance < radius, TRUE, FALSE))

# ' @description Select only the points above one value
# ' @param point a point in space
# ' @param value the threshold value
select.value <- function(point, value) {
return(ifelse(point[1] > value && point[2] > value, TRUE, FALSE))

# ' @description Selects pairs of nearest neighbours
# ' @param trait_space the space
# ' @param distance a distance matrix of the trait space
# ' @param diameter the diameter for cosidering closeness or distance
# '
get.neigbhours <- function(trait_space, distance, diameter = 0.1) {

## Get the neighbors
neighbors <- which(distance < diameter, arr.ind = TRUE)

## Select the neighbors
return(unique(neighbors[neighbors[,1] != neighbors[,2]]))
} 
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/testthat.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

test_check("Moms", reporter = "list")
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions test/testthat/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@

# stop("DEBUG")
# library(testthat)
# library(dispRity)
# source("../")
# source("../reduce.space_fun.R")

## Test
test_that(" works", {

## Sanitizing

space <- dispRity::space.maker(300, 2, distribution = rnorm)

## Random removal, super easy
test <-, type = "random", remove = 0.3)
expect_is(test, "logical")
expect_equal(length(test), 300)
expect_equal(length(which(test)), 90)

## Limit removal
iter <- capture_output(test1 <-, type = "limit", remove = 0.5, verbose = TRUE))
expect_is(test1, "logical")
expect_equal(length(test1), 300)
expect_equal(length(which(test1)), 150)
expect_equal(iter, "Run parameter optimisation:.......Done.")

test2 <-, type = "limit", parameters = list("radius" = 1.21875))
expect_is(test2, "logical")
expect_equal(length(test2), 300)
expect_equal(length(which(test2)), 150)

expect_equal(test1, test2)

## Displacement removal
iter <- capture_output(test1 <-, type = "displacement", remove = 0.5, verbose = TRUE, tuning = list("tol" = 0)))
expect_is(test1, "logical")
expect_equal(length(test1), 300)
expect_equal(length(which(test1)), 150)
expect_equal(iter, "Run parameter optimisation:........Done.")

test2 <-, type = "displacement", parameters = list("value" = 0.484375))
expect_is(test2, "logical")
expect_equal(length(test2), 300)
expect_equal(length(which(test2)), 150)

expect_equal(test1, test2)

## Displacement removal
iter <- capture_output(test1 <-, type = "density", remove = 0.5, verbose = TRUE))
expect_is(test1, "logical")
expect_equal(length(test1), 300)
expect_equal(length(which(test1)), 151)
expect_equal(iter, "Run parameter optimisation:............Done.")

test2 <-, type = "density", parameters = list("diameter" = 0.1015625))
expect_is(test2, "logical")
expect_equal(length(test2), 300)
expect_equal(length(which(test2)), 151)

expect_equal(test1, test2)


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