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TGuillerme committed Mar 15, 2019
1 parent 2f06e98 commit 1d5ce54
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 598 additions and 0 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions helpers.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
## Packages

## Functions
sourceDir <- function(path, ...) {
for (name_file in list.files(path, pattern = "[.][RrSsQq]$")) {
source(file.path(path, name_file), ...)

plotError <- function(text, col='#cc6644', font=1, cex=1.2, ...) {
plot(-1, -1, xlim=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0,1), axes=F, xlab='', ylab='')
text(0, 1, pos=4, paste("Cannot plot tree.", text), col=col, font=font, cex=cex, ...)

381 changes: 381 additions & 0 deletions server.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@

## Load the R functions

## Sanitise input text to check that newick tree can be extracted
read.newick.tree <- function (newick_text) {
if (is.null(newick_text)) {
stop("Enter a tree in newick format.")

newick_text <- trimws(newick_text)
chars_to_count <- c("\\(", "\\)", ",")
char_counts <- vapply(chars_to_count, function (char)
lengths(regmatches(newick_text, gregexpr(char, newick_text))), 0)
if (length(unique(char_counts)) > 1) {
stop("Braces and commas in input tree must balance: ", char_counts[1], " (s; ", char_counts[2], " )s; ", char_counts[3], " commas.")

# Add trailing semicolon, if missing
if (substr(newick_text, nchar(newick_text), nchar(newick_text)) != ";") {
newick_text <- paste0(newick_text, ';')

return (ape::read.tree(text = newick_text))

## Get the tree details
## Return a tree, or an error message to be written to output.
get.tree <- function(input, session, simple = FALSE) {

## Wrapper for getting an input tree
get.input.tree <- function(input, session) {
nexus_tree <- input$nexus_tree
if(!is.null(nexus_tree)) {
## Read the tree
tree <- read.any.tree(nexus_tree$datapath)
## Check if the tree is multiPhylo
if(class(tree) == "multiPhylo") {
## Update max tree selection
shiny::updateNumericInput(session, "tree_num", max = length(tree))
## Select the tree
tree <- tree[[input$tree_num]]
} else {
return("Load a tree in nexus or newick format.")

# Initialize to avoid returning unset variable
tree <- "No tree specified."

if(!simple) {
## Get the not "simple" tree (for operations)
if(input$tree == 1) {
## Balanced tree
if(input$tree_type == "Balanced") {
if(log2(input$n_taxa)%%1 == 0) {
tree <- ape::stree(input$n_taxa, type = "balanced")
} else {
tree <- ape::rtree(input$n_taxa)

## Left-Right tree
if(input$tree_type == "Left-Right") {
if(input$n_taxa%%2 == 0) {
left <- ape::stree(input$n_taxa/2+1, type = "left")
right <- ape::stree(input$n_taxa/2, type = "right")
tree <- ape::bind.tree(left, right, where = 1)
} else {
tree <- ape::rtree(input$n_taxa)

## Left tree
if(input$tree_type == "Left") {
tree <- ape::stree(input$n_taxa, type = "left")

## Right tree
if(input$tree_type == "Right") {
tree <- ape::stree(input$n_taxa, type = "right")

## Random tree
if(input$tree_type == "Random") {
tree <- ape::rtree(input$n_taxa)

## Newick tree
if(input$tree == 2) {
tree <- read.newick.tree(input$newick_tree)

## Nexus tree
if(input$tree == 3) {
tree <- get.input.tree(input, session)

} else {
## Get the simplest tree (for tip count)
if(input$tree == 1) {
## Random tree
tree <- ape::rtree(input$n_taxa)

## Newick tree
if(input$tree == 2) {
tree <- read.newick.tree(input$newick_tree)

## Nexus tree
if(input$tree == 3) {
tree <- get.input.tree(input, session)


#' Getting the character details
#' @param session Shiny session (to allow updating of character selection)
#' @return a character string if character extracted correctly,
#' a list (detailing the error message to be displayed) if there's an error.
get.character <- function(input, tree, session) {
n_tip <- ape::Ntip(tree)
## Generate a random character
if(input$character == 1) {
character <- paste(sample(c("0", "1", "2", "-", "?"), n_tip, prob = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1), replace = TRUE))
## Adding at least three inapplicable tokens (if there's at least 5 tips)
if(n_tip >= 5) {
character[sample(1:length(character), 3)] <- "-"

## Character input as a character string
if(input$character == 2) {
character <- as.character(input$character_string)
if(is.null(character)) {
return(list("Enter the character as a string (e.g. 0123)."))

## Character input as a nexus
if(input$character == 3) {
nexus_matrix <- input$nexus_matrix
if(!is.null(nexus_matrix)) {
## Select the right character
if ($character_num)) {
return (list("Character selection must be numeric."))

character <- TreeSearch::ReadCharacters(nexus_matrix$datapath, input$character_num, session = session)
if (class(character) == 'list') return (character)
matrix_taxa <- rownames(character)
if (all(tree$tip.label %in% matrix_taxa)) {
data_matrix <- character[tree$tip.label, ]
#data_matrix <- vapply(tree$tip.label, function (tip) data_matrix[[tip]], data_matrix[[1]])
} else {
missingTaxa <- tree$tip.label[!tree$tip.label %in% matrix_taxa]
return(list("Tree contains taxa [", paste(missingTaxa, collapse = ", "), "] not found in Nexus matrix."))
} else {
return(list("Load a matrix in Nexus format."))

## Generate the seeds for plotting
seeds <- sample(1:200)*sample(1:10)

# server.R
function(input, output, session) {
## Plotting function
output$plot_out <- renderPlot({
## Reset the seed when hitting the refresh button

## Getting the parameters
tree <- get.tree(input, session)
if (class(tree) == 'character') {
} else if (class(tree) != 'phylo'){
return(plotError("The tree must be of class 'phylo'."))

character <- get.character(input, tree, session)
if (class(character) == 'list') {
return(plotError(paste(character, sep = '', collapse = '')))

if (length(character) == 0) {
return(plotError("Character of length zero."))

n_tip <- length(tree$tip.label)
if (class(character) == 'matrix') {
state_labels <- attr(character, 'state.labels')[[1]]
# TODO! If unobserved states are labelled, they should be removed!

character_name <- colnames(character)

if (all(tree$tip.label %in% rownames(character))) {
character <- character[tree$tip.label, ]
} else {
return(plotError(paste("No entries in character list correspond to ",
paste(tree$tip.label[!(tree$tip.label %in% rownames(character))]))))
} else {
character_name <- NULL
state_labels <- NULL

## Transform character
if(class(character) != "list") {
character <- convert.char(character)

## Check if the character is the same length as the tree
if (n_tip != length(character)) {
return(plotError(paste(n_tip, " tips in the tree, but ",
length(character), " entries in the data matrix")))

## Run the algorithm
if(as.numeric(input$method) == 1) {
states_matrix <- apply.reconstruction(tree, character, method = "NA", inapplicable = NULL, match.tip.char = as.logical(input$matchtipchar))
} else {
states_matrix <- apply.reconstruction(tree, character, method = "Fitch", inapplicable = as.numeric(input$fitch_inapp), match.tip.char = as.logical(input$matchtipchar))

## ~~~~~~~~~~
## Plotting the results
## ~~~~~~~~~~

## Graphical options
if(is.null(input$showlabels)) {
showlabels <- NULL
} else {
showlabels <- as.numeric(input$showlabels)

## Passes
if(as.numeric(input$method) == 1) {
show_passes <- as.vector(as.numeric(input$showPassInapp))
} else {
show_passes <- as.vector(as.numeric(input$showPassFitch))

plot.states.matrix(states_matrix, passes = show_passes,
show.labels = showlabels,
counts = as.vector(as.numeric(input$counts)),
col.states = input$colour_states,
state.labels = state_labels)
mtext(side=c(1, 3), character_name, font=2)

## Exporting data
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(

## Filename management
filename = function() {
## Managing the output suffix
suffix <- input$output_type
suffix <- ifelse(suffix == "newick", "tre", suffix)
suffix <- ifelse(suffix == "nexus", "nex", suffix)
suffix <- ifelse(suffix == "C-test", "txt", suffix)
## Getting the output name
paste(paste("Inapp", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S"), sep = "_"), sep = ".", suffix)

## Export management
content = function(file) {
## Save as a csv
if(input$output_type == "csv") {
write.csv(, file)
## Save as a pdf
if(input$output_type == "pdf") {
plot.states.matrix(states_matrix, passes = show_passes, show.labels = showlabels, counts = as.vector(as.numeric(input$counts)))
## Save as a newick
if(input$output_type == "newick") {
tree$edge.length <- NULL
states_dataframe <-
node_notes <- lapply(as.list(1:(states_matrix$n_tip + states_matrix$n_node)), create.note, states_dataframe)
write.tree.commented(tree, file, comments = node_notes, append = FALSE, digits = 10, tree.names = FALSE)
## Save as a nexus
if(input$output_type == "nexus") {
tree$edge.length <- NULL
states_dataframe <-
node_notes <- lapply(as.list(1:(states_matrix$n_tip + states_matrix$n_node)), create.note, states_dataframe), file, comments = node_notes, translate = TRUE)
## Save as a C-test
if(input$output_type == "C-test") {
tree$edge.length <- NULL

## Setting the C variable name
tree_var <- "char *test_tree"
char_var <- "char *test_matrix"
node_var <- "int node_pass"
node_var <- paste0(node_var, 1:4, "[", states_matrix$n_tip + states_matrix$n_node, "] = ")

## Translate the tip labels
if(!all(tree$tip.label == "numeric")) {
if(length(grep("t", tree$tip.label)) != 0) {
tree$tip.label <- gsub("t", "", tree$tip.label)
} else {
tree$tip.label <- seq(1:states_matrix$n_tip)

## Get the newick tree
newick_tree_out <- paste0(tree_var, " = \"", ape::write.tree(tree), "\";")

## Get the matrix
## Get all the possible states (for ?)
all_states <- sort(unique(unlist(states_matrix$Char)))
## Converts the missing data
raw_matrix <- lapply(states_matrix$Char, get.missing, all_states)
## Collapse multiple states
raw_matrix <- unlist(lapply(raw_matrix, paste, collapse = ""))
## Convert the NA
raw_matrix <- gsub("-1", "-", raw_matrix)
## C output
raw_matrix_out <- paste0(char_var, " = \"", paste(raw_matrix, collapse = ""), "\";")

## Get the node array
node_values <- lapply(lapply(states_matrix[2:5], convert.binary.value, states_matrix), unlist)

## Get the right traversal order here
if(input$traversal_order == "") {
traversal_order <- seq(from = 1, to = states_matrix$n_tip + states_matrix$n_node)
} else {
traversal_order <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(input$traversal_order, ",")))

## Sort the passes by traversal
passes_values <- list()
for(pass in 1:4) {
passes_values[[pass]] <- node_values[[pass]][traversal_order]

## Get the node values in C format
C_node_values <- lapply(passes_values, function(x) paste0("{", paste(x, collapse = ", "), "};"))
C_node_values <- mapply(paste0, as.list(node_var), C_node_values)

## Combine both outputs
txt_out <- c(raw_matrix_out, newick_tree_out, unlist(C_node_values))
writeLines(txt_out, file)

## Output plot
output$plot.ui <- renderUI({

tree <- get.tree(input, session, simple = TRUE)
if (class(tree) == "character") {
plotOutput("plot_out", width ="100%", height = "40px")
} else {
n_tip <- length(tree$tip.label)
## Set the plot window
plotOutput("plot_out", width ="100%", height = paste(round((n_tip + 3.3) * 0.4) * 90L, "px", sep = ""))

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