Translate XML model into Python code
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This project will assist developers in implementing custom IoT systems.
Here are the people who want to use this:
- Users who want to design automata system with UPPAAL
- Users who want their modeled diagrams to run on Rasberry Pis
- Users who want to test out IoT environment with the modeling tool (UPPAAL)
Using pip3: Download pycreate2, Download paramiko
Clone the repo
git clone
Go into IoTdevices folder
cd IoTdevices
Create a model
Write predefined code to go onto the IoT devices (examples in repo)
Write injection code to be combined with the model (examples in repo)
Include injection code when translating model
Save and run translator output
- for ease of adding IoT devices
- for ease of writing and interfacing injection and predefined code
- Connect(deviceIPs): Connects to all devices in the passed list deviceIPs
- Send(com, deviceNum): Executes a command on a device using exec_command
- SendAll(com): Executes a command on all connected devices using exec_command
- Shell(com, deviceNum): Runs a command in a shell on a device, such as running a python script (predefined code) and passing input to it
- ShellAll(com): Runs a command in a shell on all connected devices
- Check(localpath, deviceNum): Checks to see if a device has a specified file
- CheckAll(localpath): Checks to see if all devices have a specified file
- Retrieve(remotepath, deviceNum): Attempts to download a specified file from a device
- RetrieveAll(remotepath): Attempts to download a specified file from all devices. The device number is appended to the file name before the file extension.
- Transfer(localpath, deviceNum): Sends a local file to a remote device. This allows for effectively scripted use of
- TransferAll(localpath): Sends a local file to all connected devices
- Disconnect(): Disconnects from all devices
Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Email: [email protected]
Sung-Jun Baek
Email: [email protected]
GitHub: MarcoBackman
Caelan Shoop
Email: [email protected]
GitHub: CCShoop
Cameron Wright
Email: [email protected]
GitHub: CameronWr