A robust RESTful API for e-commerce operations built with Node.js and MongoDB.
- User Authentication
- Product Management
- image storage
- Shopping Cart Operations
- Purchase Management
- Stripe Payment Integration
- Node.JS: JavaScript runtime.
- Express: Web framework for Node.js.
- Amazon S3: Cloud storage.
- Multer: Middleware for handling multipart/form-data.
- AWS EC2: for deployment.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database.
- Mongoose: Object Relational Mapper for MongoDB.
- JWT: Secure user authentication.
- Stripe: Payment processing platform.
Clone the repository from a terminal or command prompt.
git clone https://www.github.com/symonmuchemi/ShopSmart.git
Navigate to the project directory.
cd ShopSmart
Install the project dependencies.
npm install
Create a
file in the root directory and add the following environment variables.PORT=3000 MONGO_DB_URL=mongodb://localhost:3000/shopsmart JWT_SECRET=your_secret_key JWT_EXPIRATION=1d STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=your_stripe_publishable_key STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=your_stripe_secret_key S3_BUCKET_REGION='your_s3_bucket_region' S3_BUCKET_NAME='your_s3_bucket_name' S3_ACCESS_KEY='your_s3_access_key_id' S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='your s3_secret_access_key'
Start the application.
npm run dev
Access the application on