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SyedMuhamadYasir authored Jun 30, 2023
0 parents commit 2d0e277
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id: overview
title: Polygon Edge
sidebar_label: Overview
description: "An introduction to Polygon Edge."
- docs
- polygon
- edge
- network
- modular


Polygon Edge is a modular and extensible framework for building Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks, sidechains, and general scaling solutions.

Its primary use is to bootstrap a new blockchain network while providing full compatibility with Ethereum smart contracts and transactions. It uses IBFT (Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerant) consensus mechanism, supported in two flavours as [PoA (proof of authority)](/docs/edge/consensus/poa) and [PoS (proof of stake)](/docs/edge/consensus/pos-stake-unstake).

Polygon Edge also supports communication with multiple blockchain networks, enabling transfers of both [ERC-20]( and [ERC-721]( tokens, by utilising the [centralised bridge solution](/docs/edge/additional-features/chainbridge/overview).

Industry standard wallets can be used to interact with Polygon Edge through the [JSON-RPC](/docs/edge/working-with-node/query-json-rpc) endpoints and node operators can perform various actions on the nodes through the [gRPC](/docs/edge/working-with-node/query-operator-info) protocol.

To find out more about Polygon, visit the [official website](

**[GitHub repository](**


This is a work in progress so architectural changes may happen in the future. The code has not been audited
yet, so please contact the Polygon team if you would like to use it in production.


To get started by running a `polygon-edge` network locally, please read: [Installation](/docs/edge/get-started/installation) and [Local Setup](/docs/edge/get-started/set-up-ibft-locally).
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
id: troubleshooting
title: Troubleshooting
description: "Troubleshooting section for Polygon Edge"
- docs
- polygon
- edge
- troubleshooting


# Troubleshooting

## `method=eth_call err="invalid signature"` error

When you are using a wallet to make a transaction with Polygon Edge, please make sure that in your wallet's local network setup:

1. The `chainID` is the right one. The default `chainID` for Edge is `100`, but it can be customized by using the genesis flag `--chain-id`.

genesis [--chain-id CHAIN_ID]
2. Make sure that, on the “RPC URL”, field you use the JSON RPC port of the node you are connecting to.

## How to get a WebSocket URL

By default, when you run the Polygon Edge, it exposes a WebSocket endpoint based on the chain location.
The URL scheme `wss://` is used for HTTPS links, and `ws://` for HTTP.

Localhost WebSocket URL:
ws://<JSON-RPC URL>:<PORT>/ws
Please note that the port number depends on the chosen JSON-RPC port for the node.

Edgenet WebSocket URL:

## `insufficient funds` error when trying to deploy a contract

If you get this error, please make sure you have enough funds on the desired address, and the address used is the correct one.<br/>
To set the premined balance, you can use the genesis flag `genesis [--premine ADDRESS:VALUE]` while generating the genesis file.
Example of using this flag:
genesis --premine 0x3956E90e632AEbBF34DEB49b71c28A83Bc029862:1000000000000000000000
This premines 1000000000000000000000 WEI to 0x3956E90e632AEbBF34DEB49b71c28A83Bc029862.

## ERC20 tokens not released while using Chainbridge

If you try to transfer ERC20 tokens between Polygon PoS and a local Edge network, and your ERC20 tokens are deposited, also proposal is executed at relayer, but the tokens are not released in your Edge network, please make sure the ERC20 Handler in Polygon Edge chain has enough tokens to release. <br/>
The Handler contract in the destination chain must have enough tokens to release for lock-release mode. If you don't have any ERC20 tokens in the ERC20 Handler of your local Edge network, please mint new tokens and transfer them to the ERC20 Handler.

## `Incorrect fee supplied` error when using Chainbridge

You might get this error when trying to transfer ERC20 tokens between Mumbai Polygon PoS chain and a local Polygon Edge setup. This error appears when you set the fee on deploying using the `--fee` flag, but you don't set the same value in the deposit transaction.
You can use the below command to change the fee:
```` bash
$ cb-sol-cli admin set-fee --bridge <BRIDGE_ADDRESS> --fee 0 --url <JSON_RPC_URL> --privateKey <PRIVATE_KEY>
You can find more information about this flage [here](

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id: validator-hosting
title: Validator Hosting
description: "Hosting requirements for Polygon Edge"
- docs
- polygon
- edge
- hosting
- cloud
- setup
- validator

Below are the suggestions for properly hosting a validator node in a Polygon Edge network. Please pay careful attention to all the items listed below to make sure
that your validator setup is properly configured to be secure, stable and performant.

## Knowledge base

Before trying to run the validator node, please read through this document thoroughly.
Additional docs that might be helpful are:

- [Installation](get-started/installation)
- [Cloud setup](get-started/set-up-ibft-on-the-cloud)
- [CLI commands](get-started/cli-commands)
- [Server config file](configuration/sample-config)
- [Private keys](configuration/manage-private-keys)
- [Prometheus metrics](configuration/prometheus-metrics)
- [Secret managers](/docs/category/secret-managers)
- [Backup/Restore](working-with-node/backup-restore)

## Minimum system requirements

| Type | Value | Influenced by |
| CPU | 2 cores | <ul><li>Number of JSON-RPC queries</li><li>Size of the blockchain state</li><li>Block gas limit</li><li>Block time</li></ul> |
| RAM | 2 GB | <ul><li>Number of JSON-RPC queries</li><li>Size of the blockchain state</li><li>Block gas limit</li></ul> |
| Disk | <ul><li>10 GB root patition</li><li>30 GB root partition with LVM for disk extension</li></ul> | <ul><li>Size of the blockchain state</li></ul> |

## Service configuration

`polygon-edge` binary needs to run as a system service automatically upon established network connectivity and have start / stop / restart
functionalities. We recommend using a service manager like `systemd.`

Example `systemd` system configuration file:
Description=Polygon Edge Server
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/polygon-edge server --config /home/ubuntu/polygon/config.yaml

### Binary

In production workloads `polygon-edge` binary should only be deployed from pre-built GitHub release binaries - not by manually compiling.
By manually compiling `develop` GitHub branch, you may introduce breaking changes to your environment.
For that reason it is recommended to deploy Polygon Edge binary exclusively from releases, as it will contain
information about breaking changes and how to overcome them.

Please refer to [Installation](/docs/edge/get-started/installation) for a complete overview of installation method.

### Data storage

The `data/` folder containing the entire blockchain state should be mounted on a dedicated disk / volume allowing for
automatic disk backups, volume extension and optionally mounting the disk/volume to another instance in case of failure.

### Log files

Log files need to be rotated on a daily basis (with a tool like `logrotate`).
If configured without log rotation, log files could use up all the available disk space which could disrupt the validator uptime.

Example `logrotate` configuration:
rotate 7
/usr/bin/systemctl stop polygon-edge.service
/usr/bin/systemctl start polygon-edge.service

Refer to the [Logging](#logging) section below for recommendations on log storage.

### Additional dependencies

`polygon-edge` is statically compiled, requiring no additional host OS dependencies.

## Maintenance

Below are the best practices for maintaining a running validator node of a Polygon Edge network.

### Backup

There are two types of backup procedures recommended for Polygon Edge nodes.

The suggestion is to use both, whenever possible, with the Polygon Edge backup being an always available option.

* ***Volume backup***:
Daily incremental backup of the `data/` volume of the Polygon Edge node, or of the complete VM if possible.

* ***Polygon Edge backup***:
Daily CRON job which does regular backups of Polygon Edge and moves the `.dat` files to an offsite location or to a secure cloud object storage is recommended.

The Polygon Edge backup should ideally not overlap with the Volume backup described above.

Refer to [Backup/restore node instance](working-with-node/backup-restore) for instructions on how to perform backups of Polygon Edge.

### Logging

The logs outputted by the Polygon Edge nodes should:
- be sent to an external data store with indexing and searching capabilities
- have a log retention period of 30 days

If this is your first time setting up a Polygon Edge validator, we recommend to start the node
with the `--log-level=DEBUG` option to be able to quickly debug any issues you might face.

The `--log-level=DEBUG` will make the node's log output be as verbose as possible.
Debug logs will drastically increase the size of the log file which must be taken into account when setting up
log rotation solution.
### OS security patches

Administrators need to ensure that the validator instance OS is always updated with the latest patches at least once every month.

## Metrics

### System metrics

Administrators need to setup some kind of system metrics monitor, (e.g. Telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana or a 3rd party SaaS).

Metrics that need to be monitored and that need to have alarm notifications setup:

| Metric name | Alarm threshold |
| CPU usage (%) | > 90% for more than 5 minutes |
| RAM utilization (%) | > 90% for more than 5 minutes |
| Root disk utilization | > 90% |
| Data disk utilization | > 90% |

### Validator metrics

Administrators need to setup collection of metrics from Polygon Edge's Prometheus API to be able to
monitor the blockchain performance.

Refer to [Prometheus metrics](configuration/prometheus-metrics) to understand which metrics are being exposed and how to set up Prometheus metric collection.

Extra attention needs to be paid to the following metrics:
- ***Block production time*** - if block production time is higher than normal, there is a potential problem with the network
- ***Number of consensus rounds*** - if there is more than 1 round, there is a potential problem with the validator set in the network
- ***Number of peers*** - if the number of peers drop, there is a connectivity issue in the network

## Security

Below are the best practices for securing a running validator node of a Polygon Edge network.

### API services

- ***JSON-RPC*** -
Only API service that needs to be exposed to the public ( via load balancer or directly ).
This API should run on all interfaces or on a specific IP address ( example: `--json-rpc` or `--json-prc` ).
As this is publicly facing API it is recommended to have a load balancer / reverse proxy in front of it to provide security and rate limiting.

- ***LibP2P*** -
This is the networking API used by nodes for peer communication. It needs to run on all interfaces or on a specific ip address
( `--libp2p` or `--libp2p` ). This API should not be publicly exposed,
but it should be reachable from all other nodes.
If ran on localhost ( `--libp2p` ) other nodes will not be able to connect.

- ***GRPC*** -
This API is used only for running operator commands and noting else. As such it should run exclusively on localhost ( `--grpc-address` ).

### Polygon Edge secrets

Polygon Edge secrets ( `ibft` and `libp2p` keys ) should not be stored on a local file system.
Instead, a supported [Secret Manager](configuration/secret-managers/set-up-aws-ssm) should be used.
Storing secrets to local file system should only be used in non-production environments.

## Update

Following is the desired update procedure for validator nodes, described as step-by-step instructions.

### Update procedure

- Download the latest Polygon Edge binary from the official GitHub [releases](
- Stop the Polygon Edge service ( example: `sudo systemctl stop polygon-edge.service` )
- Replace the existing `polygon-edge` binary with the downloaded one ( example: `sudo mv polygon-edge /usr/local/bin/` )
- Check if correct `polygon-edge` version is in place by running `polygon-edge version` - it should correspond to the release version
- Check the release documentation if there are any backwards compatibility steps needed to be done before starting `polygon-edge` service
- Start `polygon-edge` service ( example: `sudo systemctl start polygon-edge.service` )
- Finally, check the `polygon-edge` log output and make sure everything is running without any `[ERROR]` logs

When there is a breaking release, this update procedure must be performed on all nodes as
the currently running binary is not compatible with the new release.

This means that the chain must be halted for a short period of time ( until `polygon-edge` binaries are replaced and service restarted )
so plan accordingly.

You can use tools like **[Ansible](** or some custom script to perform the update efficiently
and minimize chain downtime.

## Startup procedure

Following is the desired flow of the startup procedure for Polygon Edge validator

- Read through the docs listed in [Knowlege Base](#knowledge-base) section
- Apply the latest OS patches on the validator node
- Download the latest `polygon-edge` binary from the official GitHub [releases]( and place it in local instance `PATH`
- Initialize one of the supported [secrets managers](/docs/category/secret-managers) using `polygon-edge secrets generate` CLI command
- Generate and store secrets using `polygon-edge secrets init` [CLI command](/docs/edge/get-started/cli-commands#secrets-init-flags)
- Take note of `NodeID` and `Public key (address)` values
- Generate `genesis.json` file as described in [cloud setup](get-started/set-up-ibft-on-the-cloud#step-3-generate-the-genesis-file-with-the-4-nodes-as-validators) using `polygon-edge genesis` [CLI command](/docs/edge/get-started/cli-commands#genesis-flags)
- Generate default config file using `polygon-edge server export` [CLI command](/docs/edge/configuration/sample-config)
- Edit `default-config.yaml` file to accommodate local validator node environment ( file paths, etc. )
- Create a Polygon Edge service ( `systemd` or similar ) where `polygon-edge` binary will run the server from a `default-config.yaml` file
- Start Polygon Edge server by starting the service ( example: `systemctl start polygon-edge` )
- Check the `polygon-edge` log output and make sure the blocks are being generated and that there are no `[ERROR]` logs
- Check the chain functionality by calling a JSON-RPC method like [`eth_chainId`](get-started/json-rpc-commands#eth_chainid)

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