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This repository houses the HTML tour, built using the Jekyll static-site generator, for our project.

Accessing This Website

To visit this website without downloading the repo you can visit Anytime a change is made in the main branch, GitHub Pages will automatically re-build the website and the updates will be reflected in ~5 minutes at the URL.

Modifying Website Content

Setting up a Local Development Environment

You need to have Jekyll installed on your local machine. Visit this Jekyll Docs webpage to access guides on how to install based on your OS.

Now we need to install dependencies. Browse to the source-code directory in your terminal, you should be in the same level as the Gemfile. Simply run bundle install to install everything that's defined in the Gemfile.

Once Jekyll and all dependencies are installed, we can run the build command so that the source-code can be compiled into a set of static HTML files. We use the build command instead of the serve command which sets up a server to make sure that we have a representation of the website closest to the version we will be submitting.

Now run jekyll b -w in the terminal. The b command is the same as build, we're essentially telling Jekyll to read through the entire source-code and generate a set of HTML file inside of the _site directory. The -w flag tells Jekyll to watch for any changes in the source-code and automatically re-build after any changes. If you just want to build the website and don't plan on making changes, you can ignore the -w.

After the website has been built by Jekyll, open your internet browser, open the 'Open File' window so you can open index.html (this depends on the browser but it's usually CTR+O, or CMD+O). The website will be opened now, and if you have Jekyll build running with the -w flag, then you can make changes and reloading the webpage will show the changes.

IMPORTANT: If you make any changes to the website and want to commit to this repository, make sure you run jekyll b before pushing! This eliminates any discrepancy between the Jekyll source-code and HTML source-code in the _site directory.

During submission, we only need the _site directory for this, we can safely ignore the rest of the files as long as jekyll b has been run and the _site directory is up to date, and we can also rename the _site directory to whatever we want (within reason).

Home Page

Open the _pages/ file. The banner is the text that shows in the browser tab. The subtitle is shown above the Take a tour button.

Introduction Section

Open the _data/home/introduction.yml file and change contents:

title: The title content
subtitle: Introducing What's On:
content: |
  Some content...


Open the _data/home/features.yml file and add content:

- name: Name OF Person
  role: Role
  portrait_img_name: image.jpg
  logo_img_name: YUSU.png
  quote: |
    We are very interested in this product and think it would bring a lot of value to the student body and their interest groups. Very exciting!

The image needs to be pasted in the assets/img/home/testimonials directory.

Features Grid

Open the _data/home/features.yml file and add content:

- title: Title of Feature
  image_name: image.jpg
  description: |
    Multi-line description goes here.

The image needs to be pasted in the assets/img/home/features directory.

About Page

Open the _pages/ file. The banner is the text that shows in the browser tab and above the subtitle. The subtitle is shown in the grey box at the top of the page.

Introduction Section

Open the _data/about/introduction.yml file and change contents:

title: The title content
subtitle: Introducing What's On:
content: |
  Some content...

Case Study

Open the _data/about/casestudy.yml file and change contents:

title: Empowering university students and unions
bold_content: |
  This para will span two columns and will be bold.
first_column: |
  Left column under the bold content.
second_column: |
  Right column under the bold section.

Team Directory

Open the _data/about/team.yml file and add content:

- name: Example Person
  role: CEO
  portrait: portrait.svg

The portrait image needs to be pasted in the assets/img/about/team directory.

Department Directory

Open the _data/about/departments.yml file and add content:

- name: Team Name
  portrait: custom_maps.svg
    - A paragraph
    - Another paragraph is needed.
    - have as many paras, it's just a forloop in the html

The portrait image needs to be pasted in the assets/img/about/team directory.

Pricing Page

Open the _pages/ file. The banner is the text that shows in the browser tab and above the subtitle. The subtitle is shown in the grey box at the top of the page.

Introduction Section

Open the _data/pricing/introduction.yml file and change contents:

title: The title content
subtitle: Introducing What's On:
content: |
  Some content...

Pricing Tables

Open the _data/pricing/pricing.yml file and change contents. This will change the description of each grid item in the pricing table.

Downloads Page

Open the _pages/ file. The banner is the text that shows in the browser tab and above the subtitle. The subtitle is shown in the grey box at the top of the page.

Introduction Section

Open the _data/downloads/introduction.yml file and change contents:

title: The title content
subtitle: Introducing What's On:
content: |
  Some content...

Download Sections

Open the files _data/downloads/***_downloads.yml, replace *** with the respective department.

It's self-explanatory, open the file and figure it out urself, i cba to explain it.


I will be refactoring the website so that any required content changes can be carried out via .yml files without having to manually modify the HTML stuff. This will be completed soonish (as soon as I have finalised on the overall website content structure with Jon and Matteo).

Once that's done, this README file will be updated to show how to use the .yml files in the above section.


Some of the UI elements/blocks may have been taken from Flowrift or Tailblocks albeit heavily modified by me.