Twitter: @Hktalent3135773
Command | Description |
kali linux | recommend system |
node js | program runtime |
javac, java | auto generate payload |
metasploit | auto generate payload, and autoexploit |
gcc | auto generate payload |
tmux | auto background send payload, shell |
Bash | base64, tr, nc, auto generate payload |
python | auto generate and send payload |
# ssh2
Py2 py/ -r -p 9999 -u root
Curl -v
# how use exploit CVE-2018-15982
Py2 tools/ -i /mysvn/CVE-2018-15982_PoC.swf -o /mysvn/test.swf -c 'notepad.exe'
# get bash shell,socks4 through http tunnel,auto use tmux and
Tools/ http://xxx:9002/uddi/.O01542895480635.jsp
# check Xss
Cat /mysvn/new_url_list.txt|xargs -I % node tools/checkXss.js -v -u %
# check svn paswd
Node tools/checkSvn.js userName Pswd
# socks5
Node tools/mySocks5.js --user mser --password W_x*d -p 15533
#one key get weblogic passwd
Ssh -i YouKey userName@YouTargetIp -p targetPort < tools/ >out.txt
# port Forward
Node tools/portForward.js -l 8080,3306 --rhost -s -p 8111
# ssh cmd
Node tools/ssh2Cmd.js --port 29156 --host --username root --password '#$'
# xss test
Cat /mysvn/xss.txt|grep -Eo "http.*$"|sort -u|xargs -I % node checkUrl.js -u % --tags xss
# test all urls xss
Cat /mysvn/|grep -Eo "'([^']+)'"|xargs -I % bash -c 'curl --connect-timeout 2 -Is % -o-| head -n 1| Grep -Eo "(200|301)" && node checkUrl.js -u % --tags xss'
name | tags | dependencies | des |
/bash/CVE-2014-6271.js | shellshock,web,CVE-2014-6271,rci | java,ysoserial,base64,tr | Shellshock Remote Command Injection (CVE-2014-6271) |
/GlassFish/4.1.0.js | glassfish,web | glassfish 4.1.0 Vulnerability detection | |
/elasticsearch/CVE-2015-1427.js | elasticsearch,web,CVE-2015-1427 | java,ysoserial,base64,tr | elasticsearch,web,CVE-2015-1427,RCE,ElasticSearch Groovy Sandbox bypass && code (CVE-2015-1427) test environment |
/elasticsearch/CVE-2014-3120.js | elasticsearch,web,CVE-2014-3120 | java,ysoserial,base64,tr | elasticsearch,web,CVE-2014-3120,RCE |
/elasticsearch/CVE-2015-3337.js | CVE-2015-3337, | ElasticSearch Directory traversal vulnerability(CVE-2015-3337)test environment | |
/flask/ssti.js | ssti,flask,parms | Flask(Jinja2) Server Template Injection Vulnerability | |
/jackson/drupal_CVE-2018-7600.js | CVE-2018-7600, web, drupal | java, ysoserial, base64, tr | drupal, Vulnerability detection |
/jackson/CVE-2017-7525.js | jackson,web,CVE-2017-7525,CVE-2017-17485 | java,ysoserial,base64,tr | CVE-2017-7525,Vulnerability detection,JDK7u21,CVE-2017 -17485 |
/jackson/fastjson.js | fastjson,web, | java,ysoserial,base64,tr | fastjson,Vulnerability detection |
/http/attackhost.js | http,host,spoof,web | spoof host,Vulnerability detection | |
/goahead/CVE-2017-17562.js | CVE-2017-17562,goahead,web | gcc,c lib,rm(/tmp/xx) | GoAhead Remote command execution vulnerability(CVE-2017-17562) Vulnerability detection |
/java/CVE-2017-5645_log4j.js | log4j,web,CVE-2017-5645 | java,ysoserial,base64,nc | CVE-2017-5645,Vulnerability detection,log4j |
/java/CVE-2018-1297_jmeter.js | jmeter,CVE-2018-1297 | java,ysoserial | jmeter,CVE-2018-1297,Vulnerability detection |
/jboss/CVE-2017-12149.js | jboss,CVE-2017-12149 | java,ysoserial | jboss,CVE-2018-1297,Vulnerability detection |
/jdk/7u25.js | jre7,jdk7,jre1.7,jdk1.7,1.7,web,CVE-2013-0431,0431 | jre7,jdk7,jre1.7,jdk1.7,1.7,webVulnerability detection, | |
/smb/CVE-2017-7494.js | smb,win,CVE-2017-7494 | java,ysoserial,base64,tr | smb,win,CVE-2017-7494,Vulnerability detection |
/spring/CVE-2018-1270.js | spring, CVE-2018-1270,1270,parms,web | spring CVE-2018-1270 RCEVulnerability detection,CVE-2018-1270: Remote Code Execution with spring-messaging | |
/spring/cve-2017-4971.js | spring,cve-2017-4971,4917,parms,web | java,ysoserial,base64,tr | spring cve-2017-4971 RCEVulnerability detection,CVE-2017-4971: Remote Code Execution Vulnerability In The Spring Web Flow Framework |
/struts/001.js | struts2,001,ww-2030,2030,parms,web | WW-2030,struts2 001Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/005.js | struts2,005,ww-3470,xw-641,641,3470,web | WW-3470,XW-641,struts2 005Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/007.js | struts2,007,ww-3668,3668,parms | WW-3668,struts2 007Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/008.js | struts2,008,ww-3729,3729,web | WW-3729,struts2 Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/012.js | struts2,012,cve-2013-1965,parms,20131965 | CVE-2013-1965,struts2 012Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/009.js | struts2,009 | struts2 Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/013.js | struts2,013,parms | struts2 013Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/015.js | struts2,015 | struts2 015Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/016.js | struts2,016 | struts2 016Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/019.js | struts2,019 | struts2 019Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/029.js | struts2,029,parms | struts2 029Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/032.js | struts2,032 | struts2 032Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/037.js | struts2,037,cve-2016-4438,20164438 | CVE-2016-4438,struts2 037Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/045.js | web,struts2,045,cve-2017-5638,20175638 | CVE-2017-5638,struts2 045Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/033.js | struts2,033,cve-2016-3087,20163087 | CVE-2016-3087,struts2 033Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/046.js | struts2,046,cve-2017-5638,20175638 | CVE-2017-5638,struts2 046Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/048.js | struts2,048,cve-2017-9791,20179791,parms | CVE-2017-9791,struts2 048Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/053.js | struts2,053,parms | struts2 053Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/052.js | struts2,052 | struts2 052Vulnerability detection,CVE-2017-9805 | |
/struts/054.js | struts2,052 | struts2 052Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/CVE-2016-100031.js | web,acf,CVE-2016-100031,fileupload,CVE-2013-2186 | java, | CVE-2016-100031,CVE-2013-2186,Apache Commons FileUpload Vulnerability detection |
/struts/055.js | struts2,055,CVE-2017-7525,7525,parms | javac | struts2 055Vulnerability detection, |
/struts/057.js | web,struts2,057 | CVE-2018-11776,struts2 057Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/devMode.js | struts2,devMode | struts2 devModeVulnerability detection | |
/struts/ognl.js | struts2,parms,ognl | struts2 052Vulnerability detection | |
/struts/pythonBc.js | struts2, python | python, | struts2 python script Vulnerability detection supplement |
/tomcat/CVE-2016-6816.js | tomcat,CVE-2016-6816 | Apache Tomcat CVE-2016-6816 Security Bypass Vulnerability Vulnerability detection | |
/tomcat/CVE-2017-12616.js | tomcat,CVE-2017-12616,12616,CVE-2017-12617 | tomcat,Vulnerability detection | |
/weblogic/SSRF.js | ssrf, weblogic, uddi, xspa | SSRF Open State Monitoring, CVE-2014-4210, UDDI Explorer, CVE-2014-4241, CVE-2014-4242) | |
/weblogic/201710271.js | weblogic,CVE-2017-10271,10271,3506 | payload/[x.jsp,*.sh],msfvenom,curl | CVE-2017-10271,weblogic CVE-2017-10271,CVE -2017-3506Vulnerability detection |
/weblogic/t3.js | t3, weblogic | T3 open state monitoring | |
/xss/xss1.js | xss,parms,web | xx,Vulnerability detection |
# mac os
Brew install node
# linux
Apt install nodejs node
Yum install nodejs node
Mkdir ~/safe && cd ~/safe
Git clone
Cd myhktools
Sh ./
Node checkUrl.js -h
Vi ~/
Set -e
#set -x
For package in $(npm -g outdated --parseable --depth=0 | cut -d: -f2)
Npm -g install "$package"
Sh ~/
Node checkUrl.js -h
Usage: checkUrl [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --url [value] check url, no default
-p, --proxy [value] http proxy,eg:, or, no default, set the proxy
-t, --t3 [value] check weblogic t3, default false, check the T3 protocol, you can specify a list of file names to detect
-i, --install install node modules,run: npm install
-v, --verbose show logs
-w, --struts2 [value] struts2 type,eg: 045
-C, --cmd [value] cmd type,eg: "ping -c 3"
-o, --timeout default 5000
-l, --pool default 300
-r, --test test
-x, --proxy
-m, --menu [value] scan url + menus, default ./urls/ta3menu.txt
-s, --webshell [value] scan webshell url, set parameters will run, default ./urls/webshell.txt
-d, --method [value] default PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, PATCH test
-a, --host host attack test, this function may not be available after setting the proxy, default true
-k, --keys [value] scan html keywords, default ./urls/keywords
-h, --help output usage information
Node checkUrl.js -u --struts2 045
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github: black-mirror
github: [EnterpriseForever] (