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MDLCompile StudioMDL Script Commands

Jeremy L edited this page Jul 16, 2022 · 1 revision

List of StudioMDL/MDLCompile commands (.qc or .mc scripts)

Command Parameters Description
$cd string directory Directory to change to
$modelname string modelName Set the name of the model, relative to the models/ directory, including the .mdl extension
$internalname string internalName Set the internal name of the model. This will be used as the name of the .ani file
$cdmaterials string materialsPath Set the materials path
$pushd string directory Same as $cd but pushes the current directory to a stack before doing the cd
$popd none Return to the directory previous to the last $pushd call
$scale float flScale Scale the model on all axes by a scalar value
$root string boneName Set the name of the root bone
$screenalign string boneName, string type = ["sphere", "cylinder", "billboard"] Align bone with screen
$worldalign string boneName Align bone with world
$keepupright string boneName Keeps a bone upright
$collisionmodel string modelName, [optional block] Set the collision model for the mesh
$collisionjoints string modelName, [optional block] Set the collision model for the mesh, with separate joints
$contents string contents = ["grate", "ladder", "solid", "monster", "notsolid"]
$jointcontents string jointName, string contents = ["grate", "ladder", "solid", "monster", "notsolid"]
$staticprop none Mark this model as a static prop
$zbrush none Enable some special processing for zbrush authored models. Models marked with this have their texcoords smoothed. This is very expensive!
$heirarchy Lol, lmao
$opaque none Force this model to be opaque. Removes any transparency flags
$keyvalues block Defines a block of key-value pairs. These will be embedded into the model
$obsolete none Marks this model as obsolete. It will show the obsolete material in-game
$constantdirectionallight float flDirLightDot Set the constant directional light dot product. Must be between 0 and 1, floating point number
$minlod int minLod Set the min lod
$ambientboost none Indicate that the model should be rendered with an ambient boost
$donotcastshadows none Indicate that the model should not cast any shadows
$casttextureshadows none Indicate that this model should cast texture-based shadows in vrad, only applies to prop_static
$subd none Indicate that we have a quad-only catmull-clark subd mesh in the model
$maxverts int maxVerts Set the max verts on the model. Must be in range [1024, 65536]