Release 11 Part 2
release 11 part 2 / 3
- added blur to Modern TargetHUD & Gui
- added more chat commands
- added 4 new autoblock modes, (Interact A, Interact B, Interact C, Interact D)
fixes, improvements, misc
- made fastplace more legit
- recoded killaura, fixed switch aura, fixed distance check, improved smoothed rotations, fixed lock view
- added more info to some modules / sliders
- improved indicators from 2d to 3d
- recoded nametags, added dynamic scaling to nametags
- fixed NoRotate not working (desyncing)
- improved NoSlow flagging with float
- fixed velocity sometime not being applied
- improved scripting api to be identical as b4 (added images & more)
- fixed bedaura sometimes not breaking
- fixed duplicate velocity in HUD
- improved gui by adding more animations / smoothing
- made bedesp fade upon bed break.
- fixed autoclicker sometimes being stuck on right click (still happens)
- improved NoFall Extra
- fixed multiple crashes
- fixed speed builders sometimes not placing special blocks properly
- recoded safewalk to function the same as raven b4/vape
- fixed issue causing movement to stop when disabling invmove
- improved script loading times
- fixed script memory leak
- fixed AutoTool not properly checking ticks hovered
known bugs
- module settings in gui can sometimes turn invisible (open and reopen to fix)
- modules are not properly scissored sometimes in gui
- render players with indicators wont show already joined players
- .ping command does not work in chat
(jar will be kept up to date with the current commits)
1/4/2025 -
- fixed mixins sometimes causing crashes
- fixed killaura sending double dig packets with autoclicker
- fixed right click autoclicker using bow
- added Attack Mobs to KillAura
- fixed killaura crash
- removed unnecessary reflections
1/5/2025 -
- added profile commands -
- fixed .ping returning ping in command line and not the chat
- fixed delayed rotations