release 12
- improved Sky Wars
- fixed strength indicator showing inaccurate times in lab and team mode
- added Only aura hostile mobs, only auras mobs not spawned by you
- added Render time warp, renders your position when warped
- added Arrows, points towards players
- improved InvManager
- fixed sometimes not sorting
- fixed not throwing out trash blocks
- added a limit to projectiles & blocks, as well as Clean buckets
- fixed it not properly throwing out tools
- improved Indicators
- added Render eggs & Render snowballs
- added Render only offscreen, will only render items not on screen
- improved Gui
- added Limit to screen, limits the categories to the screen
- added Load gui state to Settings (when enabling a new profile, this is required to be enabled on the previous profile in order for it to the be applied when enabling new profile)
- can now bind to scroll wheel, wheel up & down
- improved Tower
- added Edge & 2.5 Tick to move mode
- added Extra & Vanilla to Vertical mode
- fixed Low mode
- improved BHop
- added 7 tick, 8 tick
- added Rotate yaw, fixes yaw when going backwards
- improved Scaffold
- added Offset rotation
- added Keep-Y A, Keep-Y B, reworked the other modes
- added Float to sprint mode
- fixed blocks instantly fading upon disable
- improved Long Jump, added new modes, Float & Boost
- improved Bed Wars, fixed obsidian not properly working
- improved KillAura
- fixed Interact C & Interact D
- fixed targeting team golems in Bedwars
- improved PlayerESP
- added Skeleton
- made 2D actually 2D
- improved NoFall, renamed Extra, added Packet B
- improved FastPlace, added Disable while holding pearl
- improved Sprint, added Disable backwards
fixes, improvements, misc
- fixed scripts causing memory leaks
- fixed Manual block in KillAura
- fixed Float noslow attempting to noslow with a bow with no arrows
- fixed attacking teammates when nicked
- moved most reflection based fields & methods to mixins to improved performance
- fixed AutoRequeue requeueing when in another game already
- fixed pitch sometimes not being applied client side
- fixed rotations being delayed
- fixed weather overriding time changer mods even when disabled
- fixed noslow sending a bad c08 sometimes
- fixed some module info not being updated properly in HUD
- fixed view packets not showing no event packets
- fixed NoRotate desyncing
- fixed InvManager not stealing chests with custom languages
- fixed Chat Bypass not working sometimes
- improved SafeWalk, added Sneak delay,
- added Swap delay to AutoTool, the tick delay for swapping to tools after the first swap
- fixed BedAura sometimes not breaking
- fixed ClickGui throwing gl errors
- fixed Chat Commands, improved some commands
- fixed & added more wrappers to scripting api
- fixed scripting not working with linux based operating systems
- fixed ItemESP not rendering text in third person
- fixed Middle click friends not working with Freecam
- fixed AutoClicker pausing clicking upon unblock
- made Team colors more accurate
- fixed Murder Mystery from sometimes not properly detecting murder weapon
- fixed LongJump manual not working
- fixed InvMove crashing with mouse keys
- fixed categories in clickgui being overlapped and still be able to be movewd
- fixed scaffold motion not working
- fixed bhop jumping when not moving
- fixed set slider and some commands not properly setting the sliders in gui
- fixed scaffold not properly offseting
- fixed invmove with speed 2 potions sending you to limbo
- fixed some instances of C03 in the scripting api not properly registering
- fixed Long Jump sometimes flagging on passable blocks
- improved sneak in Safewalk
- fixed ticks slider not being accurate
- fixed it not applying delay sometimes
- fixed script related issues
- fixed FakeLag banning / not working