desing is very human. very easy to use
simple lisp from scratch in ± 800 lines of code (including some tests)
git clone
cd lisp
go build -o lisp cmd/lisp/main.go
usage: ./lisp [*.scm] [arg] where arg:
--help -- prints the help
--past -- prints intermediate
<<< :h
>>> :l, :load *.scm -- evaluate file
>>> :h, :help -- prints the help
>>> :p, :past -- prints intermediate ast
>>> :q, :quit -- program exit
<<< :p
>>> OK
<<< (println 1)
type = LIST_O, content =
type = NAME_O, content = println, x = 1, y = 0;
type = NUM_O, content = 1, x = 10, y = 0;, x = 0, y = 0;
>>> ( 1 )