Launch is a web application built upon node.js, mongodb, jade, and React. It's integrated with Facebook for a seamless login flow. As of now, you can create a user profile, create projects, and view the projects others have posted.
Adding milestones/timeline for startups. The ability to add video and more images.
Use React to allow users to edit their own projects and profiles without having to leave the page. We need to be able to add and remove founders and edit content without having to go to the database.
Use an email server to notify users when projects are approved, comments are made, projects are featured.
Have a search bar to search for users and projects from any page. This would take a lot of work to scale.
Allow users to post comments and threads. Receive notifications when things you own are upvoted or replied to.
Either show 5 weekly featured startups on the main page or dedicate a specific page to features.
Show how users are connected through some kind of large graph.
- Dynamically fetch projects instead of fetching all at once
- Limit users 10 posts per day
- Make pages more responsive (show that there are no upvotes for a page)