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~ Wake & play! ~

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This project provides a web-based interface for power on hosts using an ESP8266 and Wake On Lan magic packets.




Instruction of migration to version 2.x.x.


Same instruction to upgrade from version 2.0.0 to version >= 2.1.0.


  • CRUD Host Management: CRUD functionality to manage host information.
  • Wake on LAN (WoL): Send a WoL request to wake a host remotely.
  • Basic HTTP Authentication: Enable/disable authentication and update credentials (username/password) as needed.
  • Network Configuration: Switch seamlessly between static IP and DHCP modes.
  • Host Ping Utility: Test connectivity by pinging a specified host.
  • Over-The-Air (OTA) Updates: Secure OTA updates with password: ber#912NerYi.
  • Auto-Update: Update to the latest version without using an IDE via internet.
  • Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark themes.
  • Periodic Ping: Configure periodic pings; if a ping fails, the program attempts to wake the host.
  • Export database: Export database to CSV file.
  • Import database: Import database from CSV file.
  • mDNS: You can access the web page using a domain name. The default is wol.local.




Installation of the CH341 driver is required. Use the following links to download and install it:

After installation, add the following URL to the Arduino IDE settings:

Then, install the latest version of the ESP8266 board package via the Boards Manager in the Arduino IDE.

Method 1: Using Arduino IDE

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone [repository-url]
  2. Open the Project: Open the cloned project in the Arduino IDE.
  3. Install Required Libraries: Use the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE to install all necessary libraries.
  4. Upload the Code: Connect your ESP8266 board and upload the code.

Method 2: Using Precompiled Binary

  1. Download the Binary File (EspWOL.bin) from the latest release.
  2. Flash the Firmware: Use one of the following online tools to flash the binary:


  1. Access Web Interface:

    • Power the ESP8266 and connect it to Wi-Fi.
    • Open the IP address of the board in a web browser (the IP is set using the DHCP protocol).
  2. Manage Hosts:

    • Add Host: Click the + button.
    • Wake Host: Click the play button (▶️) next to a host to send a WoL request.

Updating to the Latest Version


In version 2.0.0, it is not possible to perform an update. This functionality is available starting from version 2.1.0. Instruction to upgrade from version 2.0.0 to version >= 2.1.0.

  1. Open Settings:

    • Click the Settings button.
      • Green Badge: Indicates the latest version is installed.
      • Yellow Badge: An update is available.
  2. Start Update:

    • Click the yellow badge, then click Update in the next window.
  3. Wait for Completion:

    • Do not disconnect power until the update finishes.

Migration from v1.x.x to v2.x.x

  1. Ensure your firmware version is 1.2.3.
  2. Click the Export button.
  3. Export the database and download the export file.
  4. Upload version 2.x.x to the device with the "All Flash Contents" option enabled.
  5. Click the Export button again.
  6. Upload the previously exported file.
  7. Click Import.
  8. Migration complete!