Send the raw data along. Will respond with a link to the paste.
- Response code 201 (Created): The entire paste was uploaded.
- Response code 206 (Partial): The paste exceeded the maximum upload size, only part of the paste was uploaded.
- Other response codes: An error occurred.
Pasting is heavily rate limited.
Retrieve the paste with the given id as plain-text.
Retrieve the paste with the given id. If ext is a known code file extension, the paste is syntax highlighted and returned as HTML. If ext is a known file extension, the paste is returned with the extension's corresponding Content-Type. Otherwise, the paste is returned as plain text.
Delete the paste with the given id.
- Paste a file named 'file.txt' using PowerShell:
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Post -InFile .\file.txt
- Paste from stdin using PowerShell:
echo "Hi!" | Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Post
- Delete an existing paste with id using PowerShell:
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "<id>" -Method Delete
- A PowerShell function that can be used for quick pasting from the command line. The command takes a filename or reads from stdin if none was supplied and outputs the URL of the paste to stdout: 'Paste file.txt' or 'echo hi" | Paste'.
function Paste([string]$file) {
$Data = if ($file) {Get-Content $file} else {$input}
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Post -Body $Data
Run Through Docker
docker build -t container_name .
ocker run -e TOKEN=TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN -e username=INTA_USER-NAME -e password=INSTA_PASSWORD container_name:latest