// Extend vote settings
cs2f_extend_mode 3 // How extend votes are handled. [0=off, 1=only admins can start, 2=players can start with !ve, 3=auto start at given timeleft]
cs2f_extend_vote_delay 120.0 // If cs2f_extend_mode is 2, Time after map start until extend votes can be triggered
cs2f_extend_vote_start_time 1.0 // If cs2f_extend_mode is 3, start an extend vote at this timeleft (minutes)
cs2f_extend_vote_duration 30.0 // Time to leave the extend vote active for (seconds)
cs2f_extend_begin_ratio 0.4 // If cs2f_extend_mode is 2, Ratio needed to begin an extend vote
// RTV settings
cs2f_rtv_vote_delay 120.0 // Time after map start until RTV votes can be cast