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SEP-7 & other improvements

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@christian-rogobete christian-rogobete released this 05 Oct 17:34
· 27 commits to master since this release

SEP-7 improvements and refactoring:

  • signURI has been deprecated in favor of addSignature
  • SEP-7 urls can now be parsed via tryParseSep7Url
  • SEP-7 urls can now be validated via isValidSep7Url
  • Signed SEP-7 urls can now be validated via isValidSep7SignedUrl
  • checkUIRSchemeIsValid has been deprecated in favor of isValidSep7SignedUrl
  • verifyhas been deprecated in favor of verifySignature
  • verifySignature allows you to verify if a given sep-7 url has been signed by a given public key without having to request it from origin_domain
  • getParameterValuehas been deprecated in favor of tryParseSep7Url which returns all query parameters
  • the new function uriSchemeReplacementsToString allows you to build a replace parameter value from a list of UriSchemeReplacement objects
  • the new function uriSchemeReplacementsFromString takes a Sep-7 URL-decoded 'replace' string param and parses it to a list of
    UriSchemeReplacement objects for easy of use.
  • see also sep-7 test cases and sep-7 doc

Other improvements:

  • http client is now forwarded to EventSource, see: PR#102
  • updated toml to ^0.16.0
  • minor fixes