Release Notes - SonarPHP - Version 3.4
- [SONARPHP-789] - FP on S2037 (SelfKeywordUsageCheck): constant from parent class declared in another file
- [SONARPHP-853] - FP S1144 when anonymous nested class
- [SONARPHP-884] - RSPEC-1603 should not raise issues on namespaced classes
- [SONARPHP-906] - S1125 should ignore operands of ternary operator
- [SONARPHP-930] - FP on S1185 when a method defines default values for parameters
- [SONARPHP-932] - FP: CodeFollowingJumpStatementCheck should ignore PHP closing tags
- [SONARPHP-949] - False Positive S905: @phan-var statement
- [SONARPHP-959] - Rule S2068: filter string literal that contains the wordlist item
- [SONARPHP-960] - Rule S2068: filter database query parameters
- [SONARPHP-961] - FP on anonymous function for "$this should not be used in a static context"
- [SONARPHP-937] - Remove rule S1536 that can be spotted by PHP interpreter
- [SONARPHP-963] - Change issue type of S3011 to code smell
- [SONARPHP-927] - Stop logging warnings when importing test results based on 'dataProvider'
- [SONARPHP-948] - Deprecate RSPEC-2964
- [SONARPHP-951] - The progress report should report the current file instead of the next one
- [SONARPHP-956] - S2068 should detect hardcoded credentials in LDAP and database functions
- [SONARPHP-957] - Rule S2068: support URI userinfo component
- [SONARPHP-962] - Update branding to drop 'SonarPHP'
- [SONARPHP-964] - Fix performance issue on PHPTree.getLastToken()