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Generic Integrations

SokyranTheDragon edited this page Jan 29, 2020 · 1 revision

Several of the mods that received integrations had a lot of recipes added to them, or more specifically, their crafting stations/machines. These can be disabled, and have been made as a way Listing every single recipe added to them might not be a wise idea, so here's a list of all mods that have received some some sort of new recipes.

  • Botania - more Orechid and Orechid Ignem supported ores (might receive more in the future)
  • Future MC - blast furnace, smoker, campfire
  • Harvestcraft - marked, shipping bin, presses (not much yet, will receive more in the future)
  • Hatchery - shredder
  • Tinkers Construct - melting items
  • Thermal Expansion - significant amount of the machines received new recipes (including recycling, growing, and many more)
  • Extra Utilities - significant amount of the machines received new recipes (especially generators)