- 🔭 I am currently working on improving myself;
- 🌱 I am currently learning backend development on Python: Django framework, Docker, FastAPI;
- 🤔 I am looking for help with increasing of experience in development sphere since I have only pet-projects :<
Born and grown in Russia, now I am nineteen year old student who still lives in Russia, but travels around it in search of knowledge.
- 2010 - 2018 : was studying in Liceum #165, Nizhny Novgorod;
- 2016 - 2018 : was studying in online format in Programer School, Moscow filial;
- 2018 - 2021 : was studying in Letovo School, Moscow;
- 2021 - cur : studing in Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia.
Besides programming I am interesting in basketball and music (graduated from music school in 2018, currently writing songs for my own). 🎧
Fix my English is a tool which shows user academic writing mistakes in his English written text. This project was developed in team with using Flutter and deployed on FireBase. My parts of this project were Flutter backend, testing and deployment.
Created in June 2022.
Basically, this project is my portfolio site. I created it to get more experience in Django development, since I used this framework as a good tool for developing such kind of projects. Now the project is not deployed since it does not make any sence :>
Created in September 2022.
Linear-algebra-helper-bot is a Telegram bot which helps student to study Linear Algebra. Moreover, it contains vector and matrix calculators to save student's time.
Created in September 2021, refactored in October 2022.
Pikachu-bot is a Telegram bot which sends random cure pictures on chosen themes.
Created in February 2022, refactored in October 2022.
Pikachu-botv2.0 is a Telegram bot which is the new version of pikachu-bot but with more features (check README of the project).
Created and deployed in January 2023.
I decided to get some experience in creating Telegram bots, so I came up with this ideas and implemented them. However, two of them are not deployed :<
This project was created as part of learning Python algorithms in ninth grade at school. Basically, it copies the Yandex.Metro application, but on unexisting map. I used Tkinter Python module and Floyd–Warshall algorithm for developing.
Created in January 2019, refactored in October 2022.