Snow Automation Platform PowerShell WebService that retrieves licenses from Snow License Manager. Will return license(s) with renewal date within the defined amount of days. Renewal date is set in a date license custom field.
Licenses returned will have the following properties:
- RenewalDate (Custom)
- Id
- ApplicationName
- ManufacturerName
- Metric
- AssignmentType
- UpdatedDate
- UpdatedBy
- AutomaticDowngrade
- UpgradeRights
- InvoiceReference
- PurchaseDate
- PurchasePrice
- PurchaseCurrency
- Quantity
- Vendor
- ExternalId
- InstallationMedia
- LicenseProofLocation
- LicenseKeys
- Notes
- IsIncomplete
- CustomFields
- Allocations
- LegalOrganisation
- IsUpgrade
- UpgradeFromLicenseID
- BaseLicenseQuantityToUpgrade
- SubscriptionValidFrom
- SubscriptionValidTo
- IsSubscription
- CrossEditionRights
- DowngradeRights
- AutoAllocate
- MaintenanceIncludesUpgradeRights
- MaintenanceAccordingToAgreement
- MaintenanceAndSupportValidFrom
- MaintenanceAndSupportValidTo
- AgreementNumber
- ProductDescription
This script is maintained in the GitHub Repository found here.
Please use GitHub issue tracker if you have any issues with the module.