This script is built to be used as an activity in Snow Automation Platform, to add/update custom fields in Snow License Manager.
- SLMCustomFieldIdentifierType
- Mandatory
- ValidateSet: CustomFieldId / CustomFieldName / CustomFieldDescription
- Description: Sets the type of identifier to use in validating the CustomField
- SLMCustomFieldIdentifier
- Mandatory
- Description: The identifier value to use in validating the
- SLMCustomFieldValue
- Description: Value for the CustomField to add/remove
- SLMCustomFieldElementId
- Mandatory
- Description: Id of the object the CustomField belongs to (i.e., ApplicationID, ComputerID, UserID)
- SLMCustomFieldValueUpdatedBy
- Mandatory
- Description: String value to record who updated the CustomField
- SLMSqlAccountUserName - Username for DB
- SLMSqlServiceAccount - Name of service account
- SLMDatabaseInstance - Connection details for DB Instance
- SLMDatabaseName - DatabaseName (SnowLicenseManager by default)
- SLMCustomerId - The CustomerId in SLM database
One account named by the value of [SLMSqlServiceAccount} with password for the username in [SLMSqlAccountUserName].
- SqlServer
- Invoke-Sqlcmd
Confirm the SLM store procedure used works as written in your SLM instance.
This script is maintained in the GitHub Repository found here.
Please use GitHub issue tracker if you have any issues with the script.