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[v1] Environment Variable Values

Sn0wCrack edited this page Apr 14, 2023 · 1 revision

Environment Variables

Key Name Excepted Value Type Description
NODE_ENV String, either production or development If you are simply just using this bot, either omit this value or set it to "production"
DISCORD_API_KEY String The Bot API key you get when creating your Bot with Discord (
DISCORD_SHARD_RESPAWN Boolean (optional)
MAXIMUM_EMBEDS Integer (optional) The maximum number of links per-message you wish the bot to process in one go
DISABLED_SITES List of Strings A comma separated list of Sites you do not wish your instance of SaucyBot to match for. Example: E621,Pixiv,Twitter
SENTRY_DSN String (optional) This field is not required if you are running your own instance of your bot, unless you known and want to use Sentry with it
REDIS_URL String (optional) If you using the Production Docker setup, set this to "redis://cache:6379". This can also be left blank if you are not running an Redis cache server
PIXIV_LOGIN String Your Pixiv login email
PIXIV_PASSWORD String Your Pixiv password
PIXIV_COOKIE String The value of your Pixiv PHPSESSID cookie
PIXIV_POST_LIMIT Integer (optional) The number of images you wish SaucyBot to post for your Pixiv
PIXIV_UGOIRA_FORMAT String, either mp4 or webm The format to render the ugoira video into. mp4 is preferred as it is supported on more platforms, but produces larger files
PIXIV_UGOIRA_BITRATE Integer (optional) The bitrate (quality) of the rendered ugoira video. Recomended to keep this at 2000
ARTSTATION_POST_LIMIT Integer (optional) The number of images to post when embedding ArtStation links
TWITTER_API_KEY String The API Key provided by Twitter when creating your projection or application with them (
TWITTER_API_SECRET String The API Secret provided by Twitter when creating your projection or application with them (
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN String The Access Token provided by Twitter when creating your projection or application with them (
TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET String The Access Secret provided by Twitter when creating your projection or application with them (
TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN String The Bearer Token provided by Twitter when creating your projection or application with them (
TWITTER_READ_DELAY Integer (optional) The amount of time to wait before checking if the message has correctly set in milliseconds
DEVIANTART_CLIENT_ID String (optional)

Any value above listed as (optional) may be entirely removed from your .env file if you do not intend to use the value.

If you are not intending to use a site, please ensure you add it to your DISABLED_SITES value, the value placed in this list is based on the file names in this directory and is case-sensitive.

When debugging please ensure you do not share any values from your .env that are related to any site that could have compromising details in it, such as API keys, cookies, etc. as this could lead to your account on these services becoming compromised.



A textual value that may contain letters, numbers or symbols, generally wrapped in double quotes (")

Example: NODE_ENV="production" or PIXIV_LOGIN="[email protected]"


A whole number value


List of X

A list of a type, where the type is X. A list is defined as a string that is separated by commas.

Example: DISABLED_SITES=Pixiv,ExHentai,NewGrounds

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