Replaced by: Grindr Access
Grindr web access is a framework for the new grindr v4 api
Just scan the qrcode using your grindr app
For easy installation using pip3 goto:
# import the api
import api
#api full login
tokens = api.fullLogin()
#on message
def onmessage(message, profileid, _type):
#type: text, image, tap
#do stuff with message
print(_type + " " + message)
#open socket
socket = api.messageSocket(tokens, onmessage)
#fetch your own userid
#send message
socket.message("<Userid>", "<Message body>")
#send tap
socket.tap("<Userid>", "<tapType>")
#tap type = 0, 1, 2
#0 = Friendly
#1 = Hot
#2 = Looking
#fetch array of all users
# authtoken lat long parameters
api.fetchProfiles(tokens[0], 40.785091, -73.968285) # myType='false', online='false', faceOnly='false', photoOnly='false', notRecentlyChatted='false'
- add search filters
- requests==2.23.0
- asyncio==3.4.3
- pyqrcode==1.2.1
- websocket_client==0.57.0
- xmltodict==0.12.0
- pygeohash==1.2.0
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.