This repository holds the 3rd project of the CMPE 321 - Introduction to Database Systems course
- MySQL v8.0.33
- Python v3.10.9
- Flask v2.3.2
- mysql-connector-python v8.0.33
- PyMySQL v1.0.3
- cryptography v40.0.2
- Install the requirements (you may want to work in a virtual environment)
- Make the necessary arrangements for the requirements (setting PATH variable etc)
- Create a database called 'moviedbdb' and initialize it by running our createTables.sql file.
- Fill the tables with your initial data.
- Make sure that MySQL server is running.
- In the project directory set an environment variable: export
- Set some other environment variables if needed: export FLASK_ENV=development, export FLASK_DEBUG=1
- Run the server with the command: flask run or python -m flask run