Port Firebase Java SDK to Python
implementation 'io.github.simplejnius:sjfirebase:1.2.0'
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-auth'
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-database'
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-firestore'
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-storage'
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics'
android.gradle_dependencies = io.github.simplejnius:sjfirebase:1.2.0,
# pip
pip install sjfirebase
# buildozer.spec
requirements = sjfirebase
public class com.simplejnius.sjfirebase.SJFirebaseAuthEmail
The entry point of the Firebase Authentication SDK.
First, obtain an instance of this class by calling get_instance
(NOTE ignore getInstance
on firebase documentation).
- check_user_signed_in
- get_instance
Visit FirebaseAuth Documentation for more API
public class com.simplejnius.sjfirebase.SJFirebaseDatabase
The entry point for accessing a Firebase Database.
You can get an instance by calling getInstance.
To access a location in the database and read or write data, use get_ref
(NOTE ignore getReference
on firebase documentation).
- get_db
- get_ref
Visit FirebaseDatabase Documentation for more API
public class com.simplejnius.sjfirebase.SJFirebaseFirestore
- get_db
Visit FirebaseFirestore Documentation for more API
public class com.simplejnius.sjfirebase.SJFirebaseUser
Represents a user's profile information in your Firebase project's user database.
It also contains helper methods to change or retrieve profile information,
as well as to manage that user's authentication state.
(NOTE ignore getCurrentUser
on firebase documentation and use get_current_user
- get_current_user
- profile_change_request_builder
Visit FirebaseUser Documentation for more API
public class com.simplejnius.sjfirebase.SJFirebaseStorage
FirebaseStorage is a service that supports uploading and downloading large objects to Google Cloud Storage. Pass a custom instance of [FirebaseApp] (https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/android/com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp?authuser=0) to get_instance which will initialize it with a storage location (bucket) specified via [setStorageBucket] (https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/android/com/google/firebase/FirebaseOptions.Builder?authuser=0#setStorageBucket(java.lang.String)).
Otherwise, if you call getReference without a FirebaseApp, the FirebaseStorage instance will
initialize with the default FirebaseApp obtainable from getInstance.
The storage location in this case will come the JSON configuration file downloaded from the web.
(NOTE ignore getInstance
on firebase documentation and use get_instance
- get_instance