Name | ID Number |
Simon Dereje | UGR/0952/14 |
Abenezer Tileye | UGR/5256/14 |
Samuel Endale | UGR/9314/14 |
Feven Lendu | UGR/1779/13 |
The restaurant rating system allows users to comment on restaurants. Moreover, it enables users to discover new dining places and gain insights on existing restaurant reviews.
- User registration and login
- Role based access control for common users and restaurant owners
- User profile creation
- User profile deletion
- Changing username and/or password
- View list of restaurants for easy exploration
- Search functionality for finding specific restaurants
- Commenting feature for sharing opinions
- Comprehensive view all comments on restaurants
- Update and Delete comments
- Update restaurants
- Feature that enables restaurants to post their dining establishment`
- Has the ability to ban/restrict different users for bad behaviour