A Skylander portal reader/editor/writer for OSX.
May compile on other platforms due to use of the cross platform hidapi usb library. Please check out the forks for other platform builds.
HIDAPI can be found here http://www.signal11.us/oss/hidapi/
editor [-i <file>|-p] [-s <skylander>] [-d] [-e] [-o <file>|-P] [-M <money>] [-X experience] ...
-i <file> read skylander data from file, with option to decrypt the data.
-p read skylander data from portal and decrypt the data.
-s <skylander> select which skylander.
-d decrypt the data read from the file.
-o <file> write skylander data to <filename>.
-P encrypt and write skylander data to the portal.
-e encrypt data when writing file.
-D dump the data of a skylander to the display.
-l List skylanders on portal.
-M <money> upgrade skylander money (max 65,000).
-X <xp> upgrade skylander Experience (level 10 = 33,000).
-H <hp> upgrade skylander Hero Points (max 100).
-C <challenges> upgrade skylander challenges.
-L <points> upgrade the skylander skillpoints on the left path.
-R <points> upgrade the skylander skillpoints on the right path.
-c update checksums.
editor -p -o spyro.bin
This would save a copy of the figurine to the file spyro.bin
editor -i spyro.bin -o spyro_upgrade.bin -L 65535 -M 65000 -X 33000 -H 100
upgrade spyro.bin using skills on the LEFT path seen in the character menu and write it to file spyro_upgrade.bin
editor -i spyro.bin -P -M 65000 -X 33000
Upgrade skylander, leave skills as is, and write to the portal.
editor -i spyro.bin -P
Read file from spyro.bin and write it to the portal.