Discord bot for getting information about the game Dauntless from Phoenix Labs.
- Behemoth Information
- Armour & Weapon Information
- Lantern Information
- Island Information
- Auto-Updating Maelstrom Island Rotation
- Exotic information (Inc. Crafting Materials)
Behemoth information:
!Behemoth <Behemoth Name>
Example: !Behemoth Drask
!<Behemoth Name> Info
Example: !Drask Info
Armour and Weapon information:
!<Behemoth Name> Armour <BodyPart>
Example: !Drask Armour Chest
!<Behemoth Name> Weapon <WeaponType>
Example: !Drask Weapon Warpike
Lantern Infromation:
!<Behemoth> Lantern
Example: !Drask Lantern
!Lantern <Behemoth>
Example: !Lantern Drask
Island information:
!Island <Island Name>
Example: !Island Burning Rose
Rotation maelstrom:
Exotic information & Recipes
!Exotic <Exotic Name>
Example: !Exotic The Hunger
!Recipe <Exotic Name> <Level>
Example: !Recipe The Hunger +3
!Recipe <Exotic Name> Base
Example: !Recipe The Hunger Base
!Recipe <Exotic Name> Total
Example: !Recipe The Hunger Total
Server Admin Commands:
!Prefix <New Prefix>
Example: !Prefix $
@Dauntless Prefix
Resets the prefix back to !