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Smart Blinds

Simple auto blinds framework demo


The Smart Blinds system is designed to manage and automate the operation of window blinds based on environmental data collected by sensors. The system architecture includes multiple user groups, each containing several regions, with each region capable of controlling multiple windows and sensors. This modular design allows for scalable and customizable control over various environments. At the same time, we have a user layer management, users can schedule the desired brightness at different times through the gantt graph.


  • Group: Represents a collection of users and sensors in a defined area.
  • Admin: The user with administrative privileges who can oversee and manage the entire group.
  • User A and User B: Regular users who control specific regions within the group.
  • Sensors(A, B, C): Devices placed in various locations to collect data on light and temperature.
  • Blinds: Mechanisms controlled by the system to adjust based on sensor data.

The following diagram illustrates the relationships between the different entities within the system:


groups { int id "PK" string name "UK" }
users { int id "PK" int group_id "FK" string email "UK" string password string role }
regions { int id "PK" int group_id "FK" string name "UK" int light float temperature }
settings { int id "PK" int user_id "FK" int light float temperature datetime start datetime end int interval }
windows { int id "PK" int region_id "FK" string name "UK" float state }
sensors { int id "PK" int region_id "FK" string name "UK" }
sensor_data { int id "PK" int sensor_id "FK" int light float temperature datetime time }
users_regions_link { int id "PK" int user_id "FK" int region_id "FK" }
regions_settings_link { int id "PK" int region_id "FK" int setting_id "FK" }

groups ||--|{ users : "group_id"
groups ||--|{ regions : "group_id"
users ||--|{ settings : "user_id"
regions ||--o{ windows: "region_id"
regions ||--|{ sensors : "region_id"
users ||--|{ users_regions_link : "user_id"
regions ||--|{ users_regions_link : "region_id"
sensors ||--o{ sensor_data : "sensor_id"
regions ||--|{ regions_settings_link : "region_id"
settings ||--|{ regions_settings_link : "setting_id"


Follow these steps to assemble the sensor and blinds correctly.


  • 2x Arduino * (nano)
  • 28BYJ-48 stepper motor
  • Light dependent resistor(LDR) + Resistor for LDR
  • NTC resistor + Resistor for NTC


  1. Assemble the Stepper Motor:

    • Attach the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor to the Arduino Nano using appropriate driver circuitry.

    • Ensure the motor is firmly mounted to control the blinds mechanism.

    • Assemble conductive devices to connect blinds or curtains.


If using ready-made sensor provider can skip the step 2

  1. Assemble the Sensor:

    • Connect the LDR and its corresponding resistor to an analog pin on the Arduino Nano.

    • Connect the NTC resistor and its corresponding resistor to another analog pin on the Arduino Nano.

    • Ensure all connections are secure and insulated.



Option 1: One click start

For develop frontend or embedded side, could try one click start:


Option 2: Manual start

To start the server, you will need Rust installed on your machine. Then, run the following command:

cargo run --package lumisync-server --bin server

To work on the web application, you should have Node.js(LTS version) and npm installed. Then, run the following command:

npm install
npm run web

Database setup

  1. Create the database (require url format, for example sqlite:debug.db) and add migration script.

    sqlx database create --database-url <url>
    sqlx migrate add <name>
  2. Check the new migration script under migrations/<timestamp>_<name>.sql. Add custom database schema changes to this file.

    -- Insert sample data into 'groups'
    INSERT INTO groups (name) VALUES ('sample');
    -- Insert sample data into 'users'
    -- Password: test
    INSERT INTO users (group_id, email, password, role) VALUES (1, '[email protected]', '$argon2id$v=19$m=19456,t=2,p=1$zk5JmuovvG7B6vyGGmLxDQ$qoqCpKkqrgoVjeTGa5ewrqFpuPUisTCDnEiPz6Dh/oc', 'admin');
    -- Insert sample data into 'regions'
    INSERT INTO regions (group_id, name, light, temperature) VALUES (1, 'Living Room', 100, 22.5);
    -- Insert sample data into 'settings'
    INSERT INTO settings (user_id, light, temperature, start, end, interval) VALUES (1, 100, 22.5, DATETIME('now'), DATETIME('now', '+03:30'), 0);
    -- Insert sample data into 'windows'
    INSERT INTO windows (region_id, name, state) VALUES (1, 'Living Room Right Window', 0);
    -- Insert sample data into 'sensors'
    INSERT INTO sensors (region_id, name) VALUES (1, 'SENSOR-MOCK');
    -- Insert sample data into 'users_regions_link'
    INSERT INTO users_regions_link (user_id, region_id) VALUES (1, 1);
    -- Insert sample data into 'regions_settings_link'
    INSERT INTO regions_settings_link (region_id, setting_id) VALUES (1, 1);
  3. Adjust config file for configs/development.toml with database url.

    migration_path = "migrations"
    clean_start = true # or false - it dependenies on your migration
    url = "<url>"

Connect service provider

  1. For connecting to sensor service provider, gateway related setting need be adjusted:

    host = ""
    port = 8883
    prefix_type = "json"
    prefix_mode = "pr"
    prefix_country = "fi"
    cert_path = "configs/cloud.pem" # Replace with your certification
    key_path = "configs/cloud.key" # Replace with your private key
  2. Modified the group name by new migration or edit the database directly:

    UPDATE groups SET name = 'MY_CUSTOMER_ID' WHERE id = 1;


Semi-intelligent window blind controller solution








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