FreeFeed is a social network that enables you to discover and discuss the interesting stuff your friends find on the web.
FreeFeed is being built as a replacement for FriendFeed, the real-time aggregator and social network where "likes" for user generated content were implemented for the first time.
FreeFeed is based on Pepyatka project
- brew install redis
- brew install graphicsmagick --with-jasper --with-little-cms2 --with-webp
- brew install nvm
- nvm install
- npm install
- brew install postgres
- postgres.server start
- createuser -P -s freefeed (enter freefeed as password)
- createdb -O freefeed freefeed
- cp knexfile.js{.dist,}
- ./node_modules/.bin/knex migrate:latest
- mkdir ./public/files/attachments/thumbnails/ && mkdir ./public/files/attachments/thumbnails2/
- redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
- npm start
You can drop your question here.
FreeFeed is licensed under the MIT License.