A Multi-armed bandits learning group lasting four weeks
- Shunan Jiang ([email protected])
- Yufeng Zheng (Hector) ([email protected])
- Mo Liu ([email protected])
- Hannah Jiang ([email protected])
Aleksandrs Slivkins (2019), "Introduction to Multi-Armed Bandits", Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning: Vol. 12: No. 1-2, pp 1-286. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/2200000068
Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/97478740713
June 15 19:30 PST, Shunan Jiang, Stochastic BanditsJune 17 19:30 PST, Yufeng Zheng, Lower BoundsJune 19 19:30 PST, Mo Liu, Bayesian Bandits and Thompson SamplingJune 22 19:30 PST, Shunan Jiang, Lipschitz BanditsJune 24 19:30 PST, Yufeng Zheng, Full Feedback and Adversarial CostsJune 26 19:30 PST, Hansheng Jiang, Adversarial BanditsJune 29 19:30 PST, Mo Liu, Linear Costs and Semi-banditsJuly 1 19:30 PST, Guanghao Ye, Contextual Bandits- July 3 19:30 PST, Yufeng Zheng, Bandits and Games
- July 6 19:30 PST, Mo Liu, Bandits with Knapsacks
- July 8 19:30 PST, Shunan Jiang, Bandits and Incentives
Please feel free to join us on Zoom. If you're willing to contribute or have any comments, send us an email.