Welcome to the REST API! This API provides functionalities to interact with product data, including connections to the backend, schema models, data retrieval, filtration, searching, advanced search capabilities, sorting, selection of properties, pagination, and more.
Access the API at: https://project-elegant-production.up.railway.app
- Backend Connection: Establishes a connection with the backend server to retrieve and manipulate product data.
- Schema Models: Defines structured models for organizing and managing product data efficiently.
- Data Retrieval: Enables the retrieval of product data from the backend server.
- Filtration & Searching: Provides functionalities to filter and search for specific products based on various criteria.
- Advanced Search: Offers advanced search capabilities to find products using complex queries and filters.
- Sorting: Allows sorting of product data based on specified parameters.
- Select Props: Enables selection of specific properties or fields from the product data.
- Pagination: Implements pagination to manage large sets of product data efficiently.
This release marks the initial deployment of the Railway App REST API.
- Version: v1.0.0
- Deployment Date: 07 May 2024
- API URL: https://project-elegant-production.up.railway.app/api/products