Dalle Clone is a full stack MERN application built with TypeScript that utilizes the power of OpenAI's DALL-E API to generate images, and allows users to save and showcase their creations on a community gallery. The application is built with Nextjs, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, Express, and Node.js. It uses Firebase Cloud Storage to store images, and MongoDB to store image information such as the user's name and the prompt used to generate the image.
- Front-end: React, Nextjs, and Tailwind CSS
- Back-end: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Firebase
- TypeScript: Application is written in typescript.
- Generate images using OpenAI's DALL-E API.
- Save and showcase your creations on a community gallery.
- Keep track of your image information, including the user's name and the prompt used to generate the image.
- Secure image storage using Firebase Cloud Storage.
deployed link - https://dalle-clone-mern-ts.vercel.app/
api endpoints/api collection - https://www.postman.com/descent-module-architect-13586242/workspace/public-apis/collection/19587055-acfc5489-1711-4ab7-868b-83fce52fb3e0?action=share&creator=19587055
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Shreyaan/dalle-clone-mern-ts.git
Install the dependencies for frontend
cd frontend
npm install
Install the dependencies for backend
cd backend
npm install
Start the development server
cd frontend
npm run dev
Start the server
cd backend
npm run dev