A graylog2 transport for winston based on the node-graylog2 Library
Tested on node-0.10.x, requires npm.
$ npm install winston
$ npm install winston-graylog2
var winston = require('winston');
winston.add(require('winston-graylog2'), options);
var WinstonGraylog2 = require('winston-graylog2');
var logger = new(winston.Logger)({
exitOnError: false,
transports: [new(WinstonGraylog2)(options)]
- name: Transport name
- level: Level of messages this transport should log. (default: info)
- silent: Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output. (default: false)
- handleExceptions: Boolean flag, whenever to handle uncaught exceptions. (default: false)
- exceptionsLevel: Level of exceptions logs when handleExceptions is true. (default: error)
- prelog: Pre-filtering function, to clean message before sending to graylog2 (default: empty function)
- processMeta: Metadata post-filtering function, to clean the metadata (stack traces, process info) before sending them to graylog2 (default: empty function)
- graylog:
- servers; list of graylog2 servers
- host: your server address (default: localhost)
- port: your server port (default: 12201)
- hostname: the name of this host (default: os.hostname())
- facility: the facility for these log messages (default: "Node.js")
- bufferSize: max UDP packet size, should never exceed the MTU of your system (default: 1400)
- servers; list of graylog2 servers
- staticMeta: meta data to be always used by each logging message, for instance environment (development, staging, live)
name: 'Graylog',
level: 'debug',
silent: false,
handleExceptions: false,
prelog: function(msg) {
return msg.trim();
graylog: {
servers: [{host: 'localhost', port: 12201}, {host: 'remote.host', port: 12201}],
hostname: 'myServer',
facility: 'myAwesomeApp',
bufferSize: 1400
staticMeta: {env: 'staging'}
Supported log levels, as from node-graylog2, are the following
Winston Level | Graylog2 level |
emerg | emergency |
alert | alert |
crit | critical |
error | error |
warning | warning |
warn | warning |
notice | notice |
info | info |
debug | debug |
All other possibile winston's level, or custom levels, will default to info