An Elasticsearch role that can deploy a standalone node or a cluster. All tested with molecule. This Ansible role will deploy either Elastic 7.x or Elastic 8.x
No requirements for this role.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):
es_major_version: 7
es_minor_version: 16.1-1
Setting the major and minor version of Elasticsearch you are wanting to install. This will also ensure the correct yum repository is added to your instances. Change the version and set es_update: true to upgrade the cluster. See more information below.
es_upgrade: false
Runs upgrade tasks and will upgrade the cluster to the specified version. Ensure you have Serial: 1 set in your playbook for upgrading. Within the upgrade, shard allocation will be limited to primary shards only to ensure a quick upgrade. This follows Elasticsearch best pracise on rolling upgrades.
es_cluster_name: dev-cluster
es_data_path: /data/elasticsearch
es_log_path: /var/log/elasticsearch
es_user: elasticsearch
es_group: elasticsearch
Basic cluster information including the path for logd and data.
es_heap_size: 1g
Sets the JVM heap size to the value. This will set both xms and xmx to the same value. This should be half of your memory on the instance. Don't set this above 32GB or you will see performance issue, instead add more instances.
es_start_service: true
es_restart_on_change: true
Both of these settings are if you don't want the service to start on install. EG, you have extra plugins to configure first. The restart_on_change will restart any time you ammend the elasticsearch.yml.
es_bootstrap_password: testing
Sets the default password for the elastic user. This is required to login via any of the endpoints.
es_tls_enabled: true
es_generate_certs: false
This will generate and setup transport TLS and HTTP TLS using self signed certificates from Elastic.
es_tls_cert: /etc/elasticsearch/mycert.pem
es_tls_key: /etc/elasticsearch/mykey.pem
es_tls_ca: /etc/elasticsearch/myca.pem
Set these to use custom certificates that are not self signed. Ensure you set es_tls_enabled: true and to es_generate_certs: false.
Normal playbook
- hosts: elastic
- pictowolf.elasticsearch
Upgrade playbook
- hosts: elastic
serial: 1
- pictowolf.elasticsearch