The Urban Nature Recommender (UNR) is an expert system that facilitates knowledge acquisition from an NBS case repository. The UNR is a hybrid system integrating a black-box Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with a white-box Case-Based Reasoning model. UNR can be accessed using this link:
The system involves:
1- a repository that stores the information of past NBS projects;
2- an input collection component, guiding the collection and encoding of the user’s inputs;
3- a classifier that predicts solutions (i.e., generates a hypothesis), based on user input (target case), drawing on a pre-trained ANN model to guide the case retrieval;
4- a case retrieval engine that identifies cases similar to the target case;
5- a case adaption and retainment process in which the user assesses the provided recommendations and retains the solved problem as a new case in the repository.