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Jamie edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 3 revisions

This page will go into detail on some of the available configs for CC-117. Any X is used in place of a guild rank, such as Chief or Recruiter.

Messages (/config_messages)

  • The message configs must all be less than 1,000 characters in length.
  • Use \n if you want text to appear on a new line.
  • For Join and Leave messages, if you want to @ the user on join and display their username when leaving, put $user$ in the message where you want it to be displayed.

Promotions (/config_promotions)

  • X Time Requirement is a forced requirement where players have to be in the guild for a set number of days before they can reach this rank. If you don't want this, set it to 0.
  • X Requirements Count is how many requirements must be met (not including the above time requirement or the verified requirement if set, see later) to achieve this promotion.
  • Set X Promotion Requirement is used to set the requirements for each rank. Select a requirement from the list such as Contribution XP Requirement or Eco Requirement and then set a requirement_number which is the value for that requirement. If you wanted 1,000,000 contributed XP to be a requirement for captain you would run /config_promotions option:Set Captain Promotion Requirement requirement:Contribution XP Requirement requirement_number:1000000. Requirements such as War Build, Eco and Verified do not require a requirement_number input. To remove a requirement, simply run the command without entering a requirement_number and that requirement will be removed, for the previously mentioned requirements that don't use a number this works the same, acting as a toggle. If you want to remove all requirements for a rank, simply choose the None option in the list of requirements.

Values (/config_values)

  • X Inactive Upper Threshold and X Inactive Lower Threshold is the amount of days a player can be inactive for before they are marked for inactivity. The upper threshold is used when certain requirements are met and the lower threshold when they are not. See below for the requirements. You can set these both to the same so regardless of the requirements, the thresholds are the same.
  • Inactivity Full Level Requirement is used to give players with a character over a certain level an increased threshold.
  • Extra Time % Increase is the % increase to give players when they have a high enough level character. Set to 0 to give no extra time.
  • Average Online Requirement is the average number of online players needed in your guild to use the upper threshold, if this is not met the lower threshold will be used. Set this to 0 if you don't want it affecting inactivity threshold.
  • Member Slots % Threshold is the % number of slots filled in your guild, if this is not met the lower threshold will be used. If you have 100 slots with this value set to 90, the upper threshold will be used if you have 90 members or more. Set to 0 if you don't want this affecting inactivity threshold.
  • New Player Minimum Time is used to determine how many days a player is classified as "new" for so that they will be affected by the new player threshold value instead of their rank.
  • New Player Threshold is the amount of days a new player, as determined using the above value, can be inactive for.
  • Average Activity Requirement is used to set the average weekly playtime needed to not be counted as inactive. Set this to 0 if you don't want playtime affecting inactivity.
  • Member Activity Threshold is the number of days a member must be in the guild for the above requirement to affect them.
  • War Level Requirement is the level required to be able to get war roles.