Copyright © 2011 by Mike Talbot, available under the terms of MIT license.
As the name tells, this peace implements a WordCloud called collection of words displayed graphically with differenz colors, sizes and alike.
There is a first demo-branch available to start over.
Additionally on Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft's Silverlight is needed to run or implement this, here especially the Silverlight SDK for developers until that can be purged.
This peace of software we want to handle as an example of a WordCloud written in C#, we do not intend to keep dependencies on Silverlight or may even completely abandon it.
As we found it via Stackexchange without any hint on a license, we just asked the author to decide on that matter:
On 14 Nov 2016, at 16:32, s72785 wrote:
[…] Please let us know if we are allowed to build on top of your code. […]
And he kindly answered just 2 minutes later:
On 14.11.2016 17:34, Mike Talbot wrote:
Yes it’s totally open source, MIT license.
Have fun :)
So here be MIT!