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Probably some broken things in this move. Basically collected all the
auxiliary/utility source files from across multiple repos into this one
place. It's hopefully going to be the home for most of my stuff going
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Sean-Watters committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent a853ba7 commit eacaf49
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Showing 45 changed files with 6,838 additions and 0 deletions.
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions agda/Algebra/Structures/PartialMonoid.agda
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{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module Algebra.Structure.PartialMonoid where

open import Level
open import Algebra.Core
open import Data.Product hiding (assocˡ; assocʳ)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (subst; dcong₂; _≡_)

record IsPartialMonoid
{a b c} {A : Set a}
(_≈_ : Rel A b) (_R_ : Rel A c)
(∙ : (x y : A) x R y A)
: A)
: Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ c) where

∙[_] : {x y : A} x R y A
∙[_] {x} {y} xy = ∙ x y xy

isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
A-set : Irrelevant (_≡_ {A = A})
R-prop : Irrelevant _R_
ε-compatˡ : {x} ε R x
ε-compatʳ : {x} x R ε
identityˡ : {x} ∙[ ε-compatˡ {x} ] ≈ x
identityʳ : {x} ∙[ ε-compatʳ {x} ] ≈ x
assocˡ : {x y z} (yz : y R z) (p : x R (∙[ yz ])) Σ[ xy ∈ x R y ] Σ[ q ∈ ∙[ xy ] R z ] (∙[ p ] ≈ ∙[ q ])
assocʳ : {x y z} (xy : x R y) (p : ∙[ xy ] R z) Σ[ yz ∈ y R z ] Σ[ q ∈ x R ∙[ yz ] ] (∙[ p ] ≈ ∙[ q ])

assocL1 : {x y z} (yz : y R z) (p : x R (∙[ yz ])) Σ[ xy ∈ x R y ] (∙[ xy ] R z)
assocL1 yz p = let (a , b , _) = assocˡ yz p in a , b

assocR1 : {x y z} (xy : x R y) (p : ∙[ xy ] R z) Σ[ yz ∈ y R z ] (x R ∙[ yz ])
assocR1 yz p = let (a , b , _) = assocʳ yz p in a , b

identityˡ' : {x} (r : ε R x) ∙[ r ] ≈ x
identityˡ' {x} r = subst (λ z ∙[ z ] ≈ x) (R-prop ε-compatˡ r) identityˡ

identityʳ' : {x} (r : x R ε) ∙[ r ] ≈ x
identityʳ' {x} r = subst (λ z ∙[ z ] ≈ x) (R-prop ε-compatʳ r) identityʳ

assocˡ₁ : {x y z} (yz : y R z) (p : x R (∙[ yz ])) x R y
assocˡ₁ yz p = let (a , b , _) = assocˡ yz p in a

assocˡ₃ : {x y z} (yz : y R z) (p : x R (∙[ yz ])) (xy : x R y) (q : ∙[ xy ] R z ) (∙ x (∙ y z yz) p ≈ ∙ (∙ x y xy) z q)
assocˡ₃ {x} {y} {z} yx p xy q = subst (λ w ∙ x (∙ y z yx) p ≈ ∙ (∙ x y (proj₁ w)) z (proj₂ w)) goal (proj₂ (proj₂ (assocˡ yx p)))
goal : (proj₁ (assocˡ yx p) , proj₁ (proj₂ (assocˡ yx p))) ≡ (xy , q)
goal = dcong₂ _,_ (R-prop _ xy) (R-prop _ q)

assocʳ₃ : {x y z} (xy : x R y) (p : ∙[ xy ] R z) (yz : y R z) (q : x R ∙[ yz ]) (∙[ p ] ≈ ∙[ q ])
assocʳ₃ {x} {y} {z} yx p xy q = subst (λ w ∙ (∙ x y yx) z p ≈ ∙ x (∙ y z (proj₁ w)) (proj₂ w)) goal (proj₂ (proj₂ (assocʳ yx p)))
goal : (proj₁ (assocʳ yx p) , proj₁ (proj₂ (assocʳ yx p))) ≡ (xy , q)
goal = dcong₂ _,_ (R-prop _ xy) (R-prop _ q)

record IsReflexivePartialMonoid
{a b c} {A : Set a}
(_≈_ : Rel A b) (_R_ : Rel A c)
(∙ : (x y : A) x R y A)
: A)
: Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ c) where
isPMon : IsPartialMonoid _≈_ _R_ ∙ ε
reflexive : {x} x R x
open IsPartialMonoid isPMon public
141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions agda/Algebra/Structures/Propositional.agda
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open import Algebra
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary hiding (Irrelevant)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Sum

module Algebra.Structures.Propositional where

record IsPropStrictTotalOrder
{ S : Set }
( _≈_ : S S Set )
( _<_ : S S Set )
: Set where
constructor MkDto
isSTO : IsStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_
≈-prop : {x y} Irrelevant (x ≈ y)
<-prop : {x y} Irrelevant (x < y)
open IsStrictTotalOrder isSTO public

record IsPropDecTotalOrder
{ S : Set }
( _≈_ : S S Set )
( _≤_ : S S Set )
: Set where
constructor MkDto
isDTO : IsDecTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_
≤-prop : {x y} Irrelevant (x ≤ y)
open IsDecTotalOrder isDTO public

record IsPropDecTightApartnessRelation
{ S : Set }
( _≈_ : S S Set )
(_#_ : S S Set )
: Set where
isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
isAR : IsApartnessRelation _≈_ _#_
prop : {x y} Irrelevant (x # y)
tight : Tight _≈_ _#_
dec : Decidable _#_
open IsApartnessRelation isAR public
open IsEquivalence isEquivalence renaming (sym to ≈-sym) public

eqOrApart : (x y : S) x ≈ y ⊎ x # y
eqOrApart x y with dec x y
... | yes x#y = inj₂ x#y
... | no ¬x#y = inj₁ (proj₁ (tight x y) ¬x#y)

module _ {X : Set}{_≈_ : X X Set}{_#_ : X X Set}
(isEq : IsEquivalence _≈_)(isAp : IsApartnessRelation _≈_ _#_)
(isProp : {x y} Irrelevant (x # y))

open IsPropDecTightApartnessRelation

-- An apartness relation is tight and decidable iff it has the
-- eqOrApart property. Above we derived it from decidability +
-- tightness, here we go the other way.
eqOrApart→DecTight : ((x y : X) x ≈ y ⊎ x # y) IsPropDecTightApartnessRelation _≈_ _#_
isEquivalence (eqOrApart→DecTight p) = isEq
isAR (eqOrApart→DecTight p) = isAp
prop (eqOrApart→DecTight p) = isProp
proj₁ (tight (eqOrApart→DecTight p) x y) ¬x#y with p x y
... | inj₁ x=y = x=y
... | inj₂ x#y = ⊥-elim (¬x#y x#y)
proj₂ (tight (eqOrApart→DecTight p) x y) x=y = IsApartnessRelation.irrefl isAp x=y
dec (eqOrApart→DecTight p) x y with p x y
... | inj₁ x=y = no (IsApartnessRelation.irrefl isAp x=y)
... | inj₂ x#y = yes x#y

denialApartness : {X : Set} {_≈_ : X X Set} IsEquivalence _≈_ Decidable _≈_ IsPropDecTightApartnessRelation {X} _≈_ (λ x y ¬ x ≈ y)
denialApartness {X} {_≈_} isEq ≡-dec =
eqOrApart→DecTight isEq apartness (λ p q refl) eqOrApart
apartness : IsApartnessRelation _≈_ (λ x y x ≈ y ⊥)
IsApartnessRelation.irrefl apartness x≡y ¬x≡y = ¬x≡y x≡y
IsApartnessRelation.sym apartness ¬x≡y y≡x = ¬x≡y (IsEquivalence.sym isEq y≡x )
IsApartnessRelation.cotrans apartness {x} {y} ¬x≡y z with ≡-dec x z | ≡-dec z y
... | yes x≡z | yes z≡y = ⊥-elim (¬x≡y (IsEquivalence.trans isEq x≡z z≡y))
... | yes x≡z | no ¬z≡y = inj₂ ¬z≡y
... | no ¬x≡z | _ = inj₁ ¬x≡z
eqOrApart : (x y : X) (x ≈ y) ⊎ (x ≈ y ⊥)
eqOrApart x y with ≡-dec x y
... | yes x=y = inj₁ x=y
... | no ¬x=y = inj₂ ¬x=y

-- NB: **Necessarily** strictly ordered when idempotent, non-strict when not.
record IsOrderedCommutativeMonoid
{ S : Set }
( _≈_ : S S Set )
( _≤_ : S S Set )
( _∙_ : S S S )
( ε : S )
: Set where
isICM : IsCommutativeMonoid _≈_ _∙_ ε
isPDTO : IsPropDecTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_
open IsPropDecTotalOrder isPDTO
open IsCommutativeMonoid isICM hiding (refl; sym; trans) public

record IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid
{ S : Set }
( _≈_ : S S Set )
( _<_ : S S Set )
( _∙_ : S S S )
( ε : S )
: Set where
isICM : IsIdempotentCommutativeMonoid _≈_ _∙_ ε
isSTO : IsPropStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_

-- This is a sensible thing to ask, but is not true for sorted lists with lexicographic order.
-- ∙-preservesˡ-< : {a b} x a < b (x ∙ a) < (x ∙ b)

-- This is also too strong, but might be an interesting thing to think about.
-- ε-minimal : {a} ε ≢ a ε < a

open IsStrictTotalOrder
open IsIdempotentCommutativeMonoid hiding (refl; sym; trans) public

record IsLeftRegularMonoidWithPropDecApartness
{ S : Set }
( _≈_ : S S Set )
( _#_ : S S Set )
( _∙_ : S S S )
( ε : S )
: Set where
isICM : IsMonoid _≈_ _∙_ ε
leftregular : (x y : S) ((x ∙ y) ∙ x) ≈ (x ∙ y)
isApartness : IsPropDecTightApartnessRelation _≈_ _#_

open IsPropDecTightApartnessRelation isApartness public
open IsMonoid isICM hiding (refl; sym; trans; reflexive; isPartialEquivalence) public
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions agda/Axiom/UniquenessOfIdentityProofs/Properties.agda
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module Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs.Properties where

open import Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Product.Properties
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Sum.Properties
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.Isomorphism
open import Relation.Nullary

UIP-⊤ : UIP ⊤
UIP-⊤ {tt} {tt} refl refl = refl

whisker : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
: x f (g x) ≡ x) {x y : B} (p : x ≡ y)
p ≡ trans (sym (α x)) (trans (cong f (cong g p)) (α y))
whisker f g α {x = x} refl = sym (trans-symˡ (α x))

UIP-Retract : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
( x f (g x) ≡ x) -> UIP A -> UIP B
UIP-Retract f g α setA {x = x} {y} p q =
≡⟨ whisker f g α p ⟩
trans (sym (α x)) (trans (cong f (cong g p)) (α y))
≡⟨ cong (λ z trans (sym (α x)) (trans (cong f z) (α y))) (setA (cong g p) (cong g q)) ⟩
trans (sym (α x)) (trans (cong f (cong g q)) (α y))
≡⟨ sym (whisker f g α q) ⟩
where open ≡-Reasoning

-- Propositions have contractible identities
prop-contr-≡ : {ℓ} {X : Set ℓ} Irrelevant X
{x y : X} Σ[ c ∈ x ≡ y ] ((p : x ≡ y) c ≡ p)
prop-contr-≡ {ℓ} {X} propX {x} {y} =
(propX x y) ,
λ { refl trans (canon (sym (propX y y))) (trans-symˡ (propX x x)) }
canon : {x y : X} (p : x ≡ y) propX x y ≡ trans p (propX y y)
canon refl = refl

-- Propositions have UIP
UIP-prop : {ℓ} {X : Set ℓ} Irrelevant X UIP X
UIP-prop propX {x} {y} p q = trans (sym (proj₂ (prop-contr-≡ propX) p))
(proj₂ (prop-contr-≡ propX) q)

-- In particular, if some type X has UIP, then so does its identity type
-- (and so on, all the way up)
UIP-≡ : {ℓ} {X : Set ℓ} UIP X (x y : X) UIP (x ≡ y)
UIP-≡ uipX x y = UIP-prop uipX

-- UIP is closed under coproducts

inj₁-lem : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : Set ℓy} {x y : X} (p : _≡_ {A = X ⊎ Y} (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y)) p ≡ cong inj₁ (inj₁-injective p)
inj₁-lem refl = refl

inj₁-injective-injective : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : Set ℓy} {x y : X} (p q : _≡_ {A = X ⊎ Y} (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y)) inj₁-injective p ≡ inj₁-injective q p ≡ q
inj₁-injective-injective p q u = trans (inj₁-lem p) (trans (cong (cong inj₁) u) (sym $ inj₁-lem q))

inj₂-lem : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : Set ℓy} {x y : Y} (p : _≡_ {A = X ⊎ Y} (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y)) p ≡ cong inj₂ (inj₂-injective p)
inj₂-lem refl = refl

inj₂-injective-injective : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : Set ℓy} {x y : Y} (p q : _≡_ {A = X ⊎ Y} (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y)) inj₂-injective p ≡ inj₂-injective q p ≡ q
inj₂-injective-injective p q u = trans (inj₂-lem p) (trans (cong (cong inj₂) u) (sym $ inj₂-lem q))

UIP-⊎ : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : Set ℓy} UIP X UIP Y UIP (X ⊎ Y)
UIP-⊎ uipX uipY {inj₁ x} {inj₁ y} p q = inj₁-injective-injective p q $ uipX (inj₁-injective p) (inj₁-injective q)
UIP-⊎ uipX uipY {inj₂ x} {inj₂ y} p q = inj₂-injective-injective p q $ uipY (inj₂-injective p) (inj₂-injective q)

-- UIP is closed under non-dependent pairs

plumb : {ℓa ℓb ℓc ℓd} {A : Set ℓa} {B : Set ℓb} {C : A A Set ℓc} {D : B B Set ℓd}
(f : (x y : A) C x y) (g : (x y : B) D x y)
(p q : A × B) C (proj₁ p) (proj₁ q) × D (proj₂ p) (proj₂ q)
plumb f g (a1 , b1) (a2 , b2) = f a1 a2 , g b1 b2

,-lem : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : Set ℓy} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 y2 : Y} (p : (x1 , y1) ≡ (x2 , y2))
p ≡ cong₂ _,_ (proj₁ $ ,-injective p) (proj₂ $ ,-injective p)
,-lem refl = refl

repackage : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : Set ℓy} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 y2 : Y}
(p q : (x1 , y1) ≡ (x2 , y2))
proj₁ (,-injective p) ≡ proj₁ (,-injective q) × proj₂ (,-injective p) ≡ proj₂ (,-injective q)
p ≡ q
repackage p q (u , v) = trans (,-lem p) (trans (cong₂ (cong₂ _,_) u v) (sym $ ,-lem q))

UIP-× : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : Set ℓy} UIP X UIP Y UIP (X × Y)
UIP-× uipX uipY {x1 , y1} {x2 , y2} p q = repackage p q $ plumb uipX uipY (,-injective p) (,-injective q)

-- The full, general case:
-- If both args of a sigma type are always sets, then the sigma type is a set.
-- ie, UIP is closed under dependent pairs.

cong-, : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : X Set ℓy} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 : Y x1} {y2 : Y x2}
(p : x1 ≡ x2)
subst Y p y1 ≡ y2
(x1 , y1) ≡ (x2 , y2)
cong-, refl refl = refl

cong₂-cong-, : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : X Set ℓy} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 : Y x1} {y2 : Y x2}
{p q : x1 ≡ x2} {p' : subst Y p y1 ≡ y2} {q' : subst Y q y1 ≡ y2}
(eqL : p ≡ q)
subst (λ z subst Y z y1 ≡ y2) eqL p' ≡ q'
cong-, p p' ≡ cong-, q q'
cong₂-cong-, refl refl = refl

,-lem' : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : X Set ℓy} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 : Y x1} {y2 : Y x2}
(uipX : UIP X) (uipY : x UIP (Y x))
(p : (x1 , y1) ≡ (x2 , y2))
p ≡ cong-, (,-injectiveˡ p) (,-injectiveʳ-≡ uipX p (,-injectiveˡ p))
,-lem' {Y = Y} {x1 = x1} {y1 = y1} uipX uipY refl rewrite UIP-≡ uipX x1 x1 (uipX refl refl) refl = refl

repackage' : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : X Set ℓy} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 : Y x1} {y2 : Y x2}
(uipX : UIP X) (uipY : x UIP (Y x))
(p q : (x1 , y1) ≡ (x2 , y2))
(u : ,-injectiveˡ p ≡ ,-injectiveˡ q)
subst (λ z subst Y z y1 ≡ y2) u (,-injectiveʳ-≡ uipX p (,-injectiveˡ p)) ≡ ,-injectiveʳ-≡ uipX q (,-injectiveˡ q)
p ≡ q
repackage' uipX uipY p q u v = trans (,-lem' uipX uipY p) (trans (cong₂-cong-, u v) (sym $ ,-lem' uipX uipY q))

UIP-Σ : {ℓx ℓy} {X : Set ℓx} {Y : X Set ℓy} UIP X
( x UIP (Y x)) UIP (Σ[ x ∈ X ] Y x)
UIP-Σ {Y = Y} uipX uipY {x1 , y1} {x2 , y2} p q
= repackage' uipX uipY p q
(uipX (,-injectiveˡ p) (,-injectiveˡ q))
(uipY x2 (subst (λ z subst (λ v Y v) z y1 ≡ y2)
(uipX (,-injectiveˡ p) (,-injectiveˡ q)) (,-injectiveʳ-≡ uipX p (,-injectiveˡ p))) (,-injectiveʳ-≡ uipX q (,-injectiveˡ q)))

-- Lemma: UIP is preserved by isomorphism.
UIP-≃ : {ℓ} {X : Set ℓ} {Y : Set ℓ} UIP X X ≃ Y UIP Y
UIP-≃ uipX iso = UIP-Retract (to iso) (from iso) (λ y sym (to-from iso y)) uipX
where open _≃_
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions agda/Bug/mutual.agda
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{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Function.Base using (_∘_)
open import Data.Unit.Base using (⊤; tt)

module bug where

record WTy : Set

TyFwd : WTy

data WExpBase : WTy Set

record WTy where
-- inductive
constructor Is
inner : WExpBase TyFwd

WExp : WExpBase TyFwd Set
WExp = WExpBase ∘ Is

data WExpBase where
Ty : WExpBase TyFwd
_-_ : WExpBase TyFwd WExpBase TyFwd WExpBase TyFwd

TyFwd = Is Ty

infixr 1 _-_

foo : {a} WExp a
foo Ty = tt

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