This is a Javascript-based IME for typing archaic Korean Hangul letters (e.g. ㅸ, ㅿ, ㅵ) easily in a Unicode-compliant manner. Works in all standards-compliant Web browsers!
- Download this repository to your device.
- Open
and start typing
- (ㅇ) represents the bottom circular half of the letters ᄛ, ᄝ, ᄫ, ᄬ, ᅗ.
- The [F] key indicates that any consonants typed after it are for the next syllable block. For instance: ᄋ+ᅡ+ᄉ+ᄃ+ᅡ = 앗다, while ᄋ+ᅡ+[F]+ᄉ+ᄃ+ᅡ = 아ᄯᅡ.
- For best results, install the 'Noto Sans CJK KR' sans-serif font - most Korean Hangul fonts do not support archaic Hangul.
- To try other fonts, open
in a text editor. In the line containingfont-family: "Noto Sans CJK KR", normal;
, replace 'Noto Sans CJK KR' with the name of the preferred font. - Some other fonts which support archaic Hangul include 'NanumBarunGothic YetHangul' and 'NanumMyeongjo YetHangul' (both are decent looking but are slightly buggy).
- To try other fonts, open
This is a diagram of all the Old Hangul characters that can be typed using the Old Hangul Input Method.
This diagram shows all the internal states and transitions of the Old Hangul Input Method.
- Update the jamo hierarchy diagram