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deadcode4j v2.0.0: Features

Sebastian Kirsch edited this page Jun 26, 2014 · 4 revisions

deadcode4j takes several approaches to analyze if a class is still in use or not:

  • statical code analysis using Javassist, recognizing class dependencies1
  • statical java source file analysis using Java 1.7 parser to counteract type erasure and constants inlining
  • parsing Spring XML files: files ending with .xml are examined
    • each bean element's class attribute is treated as live code
    • CXF endpoint definitions: each endpoint element's implementor/implementorClass attribute is treated as live code
    • Quartz job definitions: each property element's class attribute is treated as live code if it has an name attribute of jobClass
    • Spring View resolvers: each property element's class attribute is treated as live code if it has an name attribute of viewClass
    • recognizes Spring XML NamespaceHandlers as live code
  • recognizing classes annotated with those Spring annotations as live code:
    • org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedResource
    • org.springframework.stereotype.Component annotations are examined recursively, thus other annotations like e.g. @Controller also mark classes as live code
  • recognizing Spring Data custom repositories: custom implementations are treated as live code
    • recognizes only custom implementations following the default naming convention RepositoryNameImpl
  • parsing web.xml
  • parsing *.tld files: recognizing custom tags, tag extra infos, listeners, tag library validators & EL functions
  • parsing faces-config.xml files: recognizing those element classes as live code: action-listener, application-factory, attribute-class, base-name, behavior-class, client-behavior-renderer-class, component-class, converter-class, converter-for-class, el-resolver, exception-handler-factory, external-context-factory, facelet-cache-factory, faces-config-value-classType, faces-context-factory, flash-factory, flow-handler-factory, key-class, lifecycle-factory, managed-bean-class, navigation-handler, partial-view-context-factory, phase-listener, property-class, property-resolver, referenced-bean-class, render-kit-class, render-kit-factory, renderer-class, resource-handler, source-class, state-manager, system-event-class, system-event-listener-class, tag-handler-delegate-factory, validator-class, value-class, variable-resolver, view-declaration-language-factory, view-handler, visit-context-factory
  • recognizing classes annotated with JEE annotations as live code:
  • parsing Spring Web Flow XML: files ending with .xml are examined
    • each attribute element's type attribute is treated as live code
    • each evaluate element's result-type attribute is treated as live code
    • each input element's type attribute is treated as live code
    • each output element's type attribute is treated as live code
    • each set element's type attribute is treated as live code
    • each var element's class attribute is treated as live code
  • parsing Apache Tiles XML definition files: files ending with .xml are examined
    • each definition element's preparer attribute is treated as live code
    • each bean element's classtype attribute is treated as live code
    • each item element's classtype attribute is treated as live code
  • processing Hibernate Annotations
  • recognizing *Descriptor classes being generated by Castor as live code
  • recognizing service classes defined within Axis .wsdd files as live code
  • recognizing aspects defined within aop.xml as live code; supports both AspectJ and AspectWerkz
  • parsing Jetty XML configuration files: recognizing listed class and type attributes as live code


  • recognizing classes annotated with custom specified annotations as live code
    • Annotations are processed recursively; i.e. if you list @Annotation here and a class is annotated with @SubAnnotation which is itself annotated with @Annotation, that class is marked as live code
    • Annotations marked with @Inherited will cause subclasses of a class with such an annotation to be marked as live code as well
    • issue a warning if an annotation is not found in the class path and thus is likely to not exist
  • recognizing classes implementing custom specified interfaces as live code
    • issue a warning if an interface is not found in the class path and thus is likely to not exist
  • recognizing classes extending custom specified classes as live code
    • issue a warning if a superclass is not found in the class path and thus is likely to not exist
  • custom XML file parsing: treating classes referenced in elements' text or attributes as live code
    • issue a warning if a configuration never identifies anything

1 Inner classes are always recognized as being referenced by the outer class and vice versa (even static inner classes). This is not only true for the currently used Javassist, but also for BCEL. This suggests that this is an aspect of the JVM spec.