Ever had an idea for a really cool character for a story, or wanted to have somewhere to put down all your game's NPCs?
Then try Imaginerium!
Imaginerium is a world-building site for creatives of all stripes - writers, gamers, and anyone who has an original character or concept they'd like to put down on the internet. Unlike other similar sites, Imaginerium has been designed with accessibility and simplicity of use as the foremost consideration. Using Imaginerium you can create characters and collaborate with your friends, as well as generate and edit world maps for all sorts of storytelling ideas.
A team of five from the School of Code's 13th Cohort. Imaginerium is our final, four-week long project, built in January 2023. We had four days' planning, 14 days' programming, and one day to present. We are...
IMAGINERIUM is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
- Nodemon v.2.0.20
- Express.js v.4.18.2
- Morgan v.1.10.0
- ES6 (JavaScript)
- PostgreSQL v.8.8.0
- Netlify (front end)
- Render (back end)
- ElephantSQL (database)
- Cypress v12.3.0 (end-to-end testing)
- Supertest v.6.3.3 (integration testing)
- Jest v29.3.1 (unit testing)
- Postman (api testing)
- Lighthouse (accessibility testing)
- Google Docs
- Google Slides
- Figma
- Miro
- Trello
- Slack
- Zoom
- Skype
- Notepad
- MS Paint
For those who want to add their own spin on IMAGINERIUM or simply just rummage around in our code, here are the commands you'll need to run both the front and back end:
Front end:
npm i
npm run dev
Back end:
npm run dev
Testing - front and back end:
npm run test