The Batch Image Inverter is a Java application developed by Vaishali Vyas as an honors project for the "Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software" course on Coursera by Duke University. This application creates photographic negatives of images by inverting their colors and saves the altered images with new filenames in a specified directory, while preserving the original images.
- Color Inversion: Converts images to their color-inverted equivalents (photographic negatives).
- Batch Processing: Allows processing of multiple images in one go.
- Custom Save Directory: Saves the inverted images in a specified directory, separate from the originals.
- Preservation of Originals: Original images are not modified or overwritten.
- Setup: Ensure you have Java installed and set up on your machine. Clone or download this repository.
- Run the Application: Launch the application by running the main method in the BatchImageInverter class.
- Select Images: Upon execution, choose the images you wish to invert. The application will process and save these images in the specified images directory.
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- The edu.duke package, as provided by the DukeLearnToProgram resources.
Contributions are welcome. Please send pull requests or open issues to suggest improvements or add new features.
This project is a part of the coursework from Duke University offered on Coursera. Special thanks to the course instructors for their invaluable guidance and support.