This project is a simple implementation of the Caesar Cipher algorithm in C++. The Caesar Cipher is a type of substitution cipher where each letter in the plaintext is shifted by a fixed number of positions down or up the alphabet. The program provides both encryption and decryption functionalities.
- Encryption: Encode a given text using a specified shift key.
- Decryption: Decode a given encrypted text using a specified shift key.
- Caesar Cipher Table: Displays the Caesar Cipher alphabet mapping for reference.
- Character Transformation Table: Shows the character-by-character transformation from plaintext to ciphertext (and vice versa).
Each letter in the plaintext is shifted by a specified number (key
). For example, with a key of 3, A
becomes D
, B
becomes E
, and so on. The program handles both uppercase and lowercase letters, while non-alphabetic characters remain unchanged.
Decryption reverses the process of encryption by shifting each letter in the ciphertext back by the same number (key
). This restores the original plaintext.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Compile the code using a C++ compiler (e.g.,
):g++ -o caesar_cipher caesar_cipher.cpp
Run the compiled program: bash Sao chép mã ./caesar_cipher Follow the on-screen instructions to either encrypt or decrypt a text. Code Explanation encrypt(text, key): Encrypts the input text using the Caesar Cipher with the provided key. decrypt(text, key): Decrypts the input text using the Caesar Cipher with the provided key. printCaesarCipherTable(): Prints the Caesar Cipher alphabet mapping. printTransformationTable(text, key, isEncrypt): Prints the transformation of each character in the text during encryption or decryption. Example Here is an example of how the program works:
mathematica Sao chép mã ---MA HOA CAESAR---
Caesar Cipher Alphabet Mapping Plain Text: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Cipher Text: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Ma Hoa
- Giai Ma
- Exit Nhap lua chon[1-3]: 1
Nhap text can ma hoa: HELLO WORLD Shift[1-26]: 3
Key: 3 H:(7) --> K:(10) E:(4) --> H:(7) L:(11) --> O:(14) L:(11) --> O:(14) O:(14) --> R:(17) :( ) --> :( ) W:(22) --> Z:(25) O:(14) --> R:(17) R:(17) --> U:(20) L:(11) --> O:(14) D:(3) --> G:(6)
Cipher: KHOOR ZRUOG Contributing If you'd like to contribute to this project, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request with your improvements. Suggestions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome!