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A comprehensive hospital management system designed as both a web application and mobile app. The project includes standard features such as user authentication (login and signup), patient and doctor management, and a unique feature—operation timetable scheduling—implemented using a priority queue algorithm in JavaScript.


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SurgiPlan PRO ⛑️🏥

Table of Contents 📑

  1. Overview
  2. Features 🌟
  3. File Structure 📁
  4. Technologies Used 🛠️
  5. Getting Started 🚀
  6. Usage 📘
  7. Priority Queue Algorithm Explanation 🔍
  8. Contributions 🤝
  9. License 📄
  10. Acknowledgements 🙏


SurgiPlan PRO is a comprehensive hospital management system designed as both a web application and mobile app. The project includes standard features such as user authentication (login and signup), patient and doctor management, and a unique feature—operation timetable scheduling—implemented using a priority queue algorithm in JavaScript. This innovative approach allows for the efficient scheduling of surgeries based on urgency and priority.

Features 🌟

  • User Authentication:
    • Secure login and signup for patients, doctors, and administrators.
  • User Roles:
    • Admin: Manage users, operation schedules, and overall hospital data.
    • Doctor: View and update patient records, manage personal schedule, etc.
    • Patient: Access personal records, book appointments, and view schedules.
  • Operation Time Table:
    • Implemented using a priority queue algorithm to ensure surgeries are scheduled based on urgency.
  • Patient Management:
    • Record patient information, update medical history, and track treatment plans.
  • Doctor Dashboard:
    • Personal schedule management, operation calendar, and patient appointments.
  • Notifications:
    • Real-time notifications for appointment reminders and operation schedule updates.
  • Mobile and Web Compatibility:
    • A responsive design for seamless use on both web browsers and mobile devices.

File Structure 📁

|-- public/                       # Public assets for the application
|   |-- images/                   # Image assets
|-- src/                          # Main source code
|   |-- components/               # React components for the UI
|   |   |-- Auth/                 # Components for login and signup
|   |   |-- Dashboard/            # Main dashboard components for users
|   |   |-- OperationScheduler/   # Components for operation scheduling feature
|   |
|   |-- context/                  # Context for global state management
|   |   |-- AuthContext.tsx       # Context for authentication state
|   |   |-- OperationContext.tsx  # Context for scheduling operations
|   |
|   |-- hooks/                    # Custom React hooks
|   |   |-- useAuth.tsx           # Hook for managing authentication
|   |   |-- usePriorityQueue.tsx  # Hook for priority queue logic
|   |
|   |-- lib/                      # Library for core functions
|   |   |-- algorithms/           # Algorithms used in the project
|   |       |-- priorityQueue.ts  # Priority queue algorithm for operation scheduling
|   |
|   |-- pages/                    # Page components for routing
|       |-- Login.tsx             # Login page
|       |-- Signup.tsx            # Signup page
|       |-- Dashboard.tsx         # Dashboard page
|       |-- OperationSchedule.tsx # Operation schedule page
|       |-- Profile.tsx           # User profile page
|-- App.tsx                       # Main app component
|-- index.css                     # Global CSS styling
|-- main.tsx                      # Main entry point for React
|-- .gitignore                    # Files and directories to ignore in Git
|-- LICENSE                       # License for the project
|--                     # Project description and instructions
|-- package-lock.json             # Lockfile for npm dependencies
|-- package.json                  # Project metadata and npm scripts
|-- tsconfig.json                 # TypeScript configuration

Technologies Used 🛠️

Technology Purpose
React Building the user interface
TypeScript Ensuring type safety and enhanced development
Node.js Backend server handling and API routes
Express.js Simplified backend framework
MongoDB Database for storing user and hospital data
Tailwind CSS Styling for responsive and modern design
JavaScript Priority queue algorithm implementation

Getting Started 🚀

Follow these steps to run the project locally:


  • Node.js (version 14.x or above recommended)
  • npm or yarn
  • MongoDB instance


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd surgiplan-pro
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and add your MongoDB URI and other secrets:

  4. Run the development server:

    npm run dev
  5. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to view the app.

Usage 📘

  1. Create an account or log in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Dashboard to view personalized information.
  3. Access the Operation Schedule to see upcoming surgeries and priority cases.
  4. Create or Manage Appointments from the user dashboard.
  5. Receive notifications for important updates and reminders.

Priority Queue Algorithm Explanation 🔍

The operation scheduling feature uses a priority queue algorithm implemented in JavaScript to ensure that surgeries are scheduled based on urgency. This ensures that high-priority surgeries are attended to first while maintaining an organized timetable.

Contributions 🤝

Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs, have suggestions, or would like to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Acknowledgements 🙏

Special thanks to the open-source community and developers whose contributions made this project possible.

Experience seamless hospital management with SurgiPlan PRO! 🏥✨


A comprehensive hospital management system designed as both a web application and mobile app. The project includes standard features such as user authentication (login and signup), patient and doctor management, and a unique feature—operation timetable scheduling—implemented using a priority queue algorithm in JavaScript.








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