Geospatial Analyst 📊 | Spatial Data Engineering 🗺| Earth Observation Analyst 🛰🌱🌴| 🌍 Geospatial Data Scientist
- 💻 I’m currently working on Geospatial Data Engineering Projects
- 👨🏻🏫 I’m currently learning: Cloud Computing and Data Engineering
- 💬 Ask me about anything geospatial; ESRI Tools, Modern GIS Stack, Open Source GIS, Geospatial Data Science, Spatial Statistics, Location Intelligence
- 💼 Job interests: Geospatial Data Engineer/Data Scientist (Intern or Junior level).
- 📫 How to reach me via my Email
My Blog | My Website | CV |
🚀 | 🌐 | 📜 |
- 📊📉📈 Looker, PowerBI, Tableau
- 🧾 Python, R, PysPark
- ⏳ Orchestration - Mageai, Airflow
- 🌧 GCP- Bigquery, Compute Engine, Google Function, Cloud Scheduler, Google Cloud Bucket
- ☁ AWS - s3, Lambda, Dynamodb, Boto3
- ⚡Automation: Terraform
- 🏬 GDAL/OGR, PostGIS, SpatialSQL, Duckdb, GEOAI
- 🛰 Geopandas, Geopolar, Rasterio, Pygeoapi
- 😊 Open Source: QGIS, GRASS, GEE
- 💰 Commercial: ArcGIS Python API, ArcGIS Pro,ArcGIS Suites, ENVI