A python library for writing and composing HTML.
- small API to learn
- fully typed API (strict mypy)
- produces "neatly" formatted HTML
- written in pure python
- zero dependencies
- comprehensive test suite (100% coverage)
- no recursion
from neat_html import h, render
greeting = h("strong", {"style": {"color": "green"}}, "Hello")
html = h("p", {"id": "foo"}, [greeting, ", World!"])
<p id="foo">
<strong style="color: green">Hello</strong>, World!
Using pip:
pip install neat-html
Using poetry:
poetry add neat-html
Using uv:
uv pip install neat-html
from neat_html import Element, h, render
# define an element
button: Element = h("button", "Submit")
# render the element to html
html: str = render(button)
A work in progress library that integrates neat-html into Django as a template backend.
I would recommend taking a look at the source code for the details of the API.
The best place to start would be in neat_html/__init__.py.