a. Video of 1st Week's Submission - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jDPrtBJh4hq-Yvch5AF3r5ymaRtjNkVQ/view?usp=sharing
b. Github Repo of 1st Week's Submission - https://github.com/Sahilsingh0808/Haunted-3D-Game-Unity
c. PDF of our team's design doc - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AyW2Q5Vo-HELRH\_1ozigPUbjXilcuakV/view
d. EndTerm Game Link - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ozfH606S1mn8Kb-yboKAobySyduqMLOT?usp=sharing
e. Demo Video - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u85TnEgfRcYV9fuzdtpYD8Q1PVFTagN4?usp=sharing
f. Github Link - https://github.com/Sahilsingh0808/The-Lost-Prince
g. Work done by me - added start scene of game, added gameover scene, added pause scene, added audio to the game, placed enemies and done some scripting