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Getting Started with SuperSet

This guide will walk you through the setup and execution process for configuring SuperSet with SafeSquid Reporting. The script will automate the configuration of various components necessary for the setup.

Default Setup

Note: Ensure you are logged in as the root user before performing any of the following actions. Root access is required for configuring services, modifying system files, and setting up log synchronization.

This guide will walk you through the setup and execution process for configuring SuperSet with SafeSquid Reporting. The script will automate the configuration of various components necessary for the setup, including setting up Monit for log synchronization and monitoring.

1. Clone the GitHub Repository

First, clone the GitHub repository that contains the necessary files for setup:

git clone
cd superset-reporting

2. Execute with Default Values

To start the setup process with the default configuration, execute the following command:


3. Check Service Status

After the setup completes, verify that the services are running correctly:

systemctl status superset.service

Once the services are running without any issues, you can configure your log server to pull logs from your proxy server.

Setting Up rsync for Log Synchronization

To enable the aggregator to sync log files, follow these steps:

  1. Add SSH Key to SafeSquid Proxy Server

    The SSH key for the log aggregator server can be found in /opt/aggregator/setup_authorized_keys on the log server. Add this key to the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file on each SafeSquid proxy server to allow secure access.

  2. Download and Set Up rrsync Script

    Use curl to download the rrsync script to the SafeSquid proxy server:

    curl -o /usr/local/bin/rrsync

    This will save the script to /usr/local/bin/rrsync.

  3. Set Execute Permissions

    Ensure that rrsync has the appropriate permissions by running:

    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/rrsync
  4. Specify Proxy Server IPs

    After adding the authorization key, you must specify the IP addresses of the proxy servers from which the logs will be pulled. Open the file /opt/aggregator/servers.list on the log server and enter each proxy server’s IP address on a new line.

    For example:

    This file will allow the aggregator to pull logs from each specified proxy server.

Monit Configuration

The script automatically configures Monit to monitor and maintain the log synchronization process. Here’s what Monit will do:

  1. Log File Monitoring: Monit checks the /var/log/sync.log file to ensure logs are synced:

    • If sync.log does not exist, Monit will create it.
    • If sync.log is older than an hour, Monit will trigger to update logs and to insert data into the databases.
  2. Server List Monitoring: Monit also monitors the /opt/aggregator/servers.list file:

    • If servers.list is modified (e.g., a new IP is added), Monit will execute to pull updated logs.

This Monit setup helps ensure your logs stay up-to-date, providing accurate data for SuperSet reports without manual intervention.

With these steps complete, your log server is now configured to securely pull logs from the SafeSquid proxy servers, to generate up-to-date reports.

Manual Insertion of Logs into the Database

1. Activate Virtual Environment

Once the setup script has completed, activate the virtual environment to ensure all Python dependencies are correctly managed:

source /opt/aggregator/safesquid_reporting/bin/activate

2. Change to the Aggregator Directory

Navigate to the aggregator directory where the scripts are located:

cd /opt/aggregator/bin/


The script provides a command-line interface for managing the database and logs. Below are the available commands:

3. Create the Database

Next, you'll need to create the necessary databases for storing logs. The following commands will create databases based on the log type: extended or performance.

Note: The create-database command requires an argument specifying the log type (extended or performance). If you do not provide this argument, you will receive an error:

Usage: create-database [OPTIONS] {extended|performance}
Try ' create-database --help' for help.

Error: Missing argument '{extended|performance}'. Choose from:

To create the database for extended logs:


python3 create-database extended

To create the database for performance logs:


python3 create-database performance

4. Insert Logs into the Database

To insert logs into the database at any time, use the following command. Ensure you're in the aggregator directory before executing:

Replace <log_type> with extended or performance, and <log_file_path> with the path to your log file.

Note: The insert command requires two arguments: the log type and the path to the log file. If either argument is missing, the command will fail with an error.

python insert <log_type> <log_file_path>


python insert extended /var/log/aggregator/rsyslog/extended/

Custom Setup Options (For customizing the installation of SuperSet)

If you need to customize the setup (e.g., changing default user credentials, host, or database name), you can use the following steps.

1. Check the Help Menu

First, review the help menu to understand the available options:

bash -h

2. Execute with Custom Values

To execute the setup with custom values, use the following command. Replace the placeholders with your desired values:

bash -u admin -p password -H -P 5432 -d safesquid_logs -a admin -w password -f admin -l admin -e [email protected] -D /opt/aggregator -v safesquid_reporting

3. Explanation of Parameters

  • -u PGUSER: PostgreSQL username (default: admin)
  • -p PGPASSWORD: PostgreSQL password (default: safesquid)
  • -H PGHOST: PostgreSQL host (default:
  • -P PGPORT: PostgreSQL port (default: 5432)
  • -d PGDATABASE: PostgreSQL database name (default: safesquid_logs)
  • -a ADMIN_USERNAME: Admin username for SuperSet (default: admin)
  • -w ADMIN_PASSWORD: Admin password for SuperSet (default: safesquid)
  • -f ADMIN_FIRST_NAME: Admin first name (default: admin)
  • -l ADMIN_LAST_NAME: Admin last name (default: admin)
  • -e ADMIN_EMAIL: Admin email address (default: [email protected])
  • -D DIRECTORY_NAME: Directory name for the project (default: /opt/aggregator)
  • -v VENV_NAME: Virtual environment path (default: safesquid_reporting)

Additional Options in

The script offers several commands to manage and interact with your database. Below are some of the additional options available:

Help Menu

For further assistance and details on each command:

python3 --help

Clear the Database

To clear the database and drop all tables:

python3 clear-database

Analyze the Database

To analyze the logs stored in the database and retrieve information about the database schema and row counts, use:

python3 analyse-database

For example, analyzing the extended_logs table may produce output similar to this:

  • Table: extended_logs
    • Column: record_id, Type: text
    • Column: client_id, Type: integer
    • Column: request_id, Type: integer
    • Column: date_time, Type: timestamp without time zone
    • Column: elapsed_time, Type: integer
    • Column: status, Type: integer
    • Column: size, Type: integer
    • Column: upload, Type: integer
    • Column: download, Type: integer
    • Column: bypassed, Type: boolean
    • Column: client_ip, Type: text
    • Column: username, Type: text
    • Column: method, Type: text
    • Column: url, Type: text
    • Column: http_referer, Type: text
    • Column: useragent, Type: text
    • Column: mime, Type: text
    • Column: filter_name, Type: text
    • Column: filtering_reason, Type: text
    • Column: interface, Type: text
    • Column: cachecode, Type: text
    • Column: peercode, Type: text
    • Column: peer, Type: text
    • Column: request_host, Type: text
    • Column: request_tld, Type: text
    • Column: referer_host, Type: text
    • Column: referer_tld, Type: text
    • Column: range, Type: text
    • Column: time_profiles, Type: ARRAY
    • Column: user_groups, Type: ARRAY
    • Column: request_profiles, Type: ARRAY
    • Column: application_signatures, Type: ARRAY
    • Column: categories, Type: ARRAY
    • Column: response_profiles, Type: ARRAY
    • Column: upload_content_types, Type: ARRAY
    • Column: download_content_types, Type: ARRAY
    • Column: profiles, Type: ARRAY
    • Row count: 67225


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