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The ready function is part of PB namespace not in the PB.$ namespace.
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Alexander Schrijver committed Dec 6, 2013
1 parent 6528264 commit 350ab13
Showing 4 changed files with 5 additions and 756 deletions.
370 changes: 0 additions & 370 deletions dist/pbjs-legacy.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -639,373 +639,3 @@ if( !supportsTextContent ) {


* @preserve Qwery - A Blazing Fast query selector engine
* copyright Dustin Diaz 2012
* MIT License

(function (name, context, definition) {
if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = definition()
else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define(definition)
else context[name] = definition()
})('qwery', this, function () {
var doc = document
, html = doc.documentElement
, byClass = 'getElementsByClassName'
, byTag = 'getElementsByTagName'
, qSA = 'querySelectorAll'
, useNativeQSA = 'useNativeQSA'
, tagName = 'tagName'
, nodeType = 'nodeType'
, select // main select() method, assign later

, id = /#([\w\-]+)/
, clas = /\.[\w\-]+/g
, idOnly = /^#([\w\-]+)$/
, classOnly = /^\.([\w\-]+)$/
, tagOnly = /^([\w\-]+)$/
, tagAndOrClass = /^([\w]+)?\.([\w\-]+)$/
, splittable = /(^|,)\s*[>~+]/
, normalizr = /^\s+|\s*([,\s\+\~>]|$)\s*/g
, splitters = /[\s\>\+\~]/
, splittersMore = /(?![\s\w\-\/\?\&\=\:\.\(\)\!,@#%<>\{\}\$\*\^'"]*\]|[\s\w\+\-]*\))/
, specialChars = /([.*+?\^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g
, simple = /^(\*|[a-z0-9]+)?(?:([\.\#]+[\w\-\.#]+)?)/
, attr = /\[([\w\-]+)(?:([\|\^\$\*\~]?\=)['"]?([ \w\-\/\?\&\=\:\.\(\)\!,@#%<>\{\}\$\*\^]+)["']?)?\]/
, pseudo = /:([\w\-]+)(\(['"]?([^()]+)['"]?\))?/
, easy = new RegExp(idOnly.source + '|' + tagOnly.source + '|' + classOnly.source)
, dividers = new RegExp('(' + splitters.source + ')' + splittersMore.source, 'g')
, tokenizr = new RegExp(splitters.source + splittersMore.source)
, chunker = new RegExp(simple.source + '(' + attr.source + ')?' + '(' + pseudo.source + ')?')

var walker = {
' ': function (node) {
return node && node !== html && node.parentNode
, '>': function (node, contestant) {
return node && node.parentNode == contestant.parentNode && node.parentNode
, '~': function (node) {
return node && node.previousSibling
, '+': function (node, contestant, p1, p2) {
if (!node) return false
return (p1 = previous(node)) && (p2 = previous(contestant)) && p1 == p2 && p1

function cache() {
this.c = {}
cache.prototype = {
g: function (k) {
return this.c[k] || undefined
, s: function (k, v, r) {
v = r ? new RegExp(v) : v
return (this.c[k] = v)

var classCache = new cache()
, cleanCache = new cache()
, attrCache = new cache()
, tokenCache = new cache()

function classRegex(c) {
return classCache.g(c) || classCache.s(c, '(^|\\s+)' + c + '(\\s+|$)', 1)

// not quite as fast as inline loops in older browsers so don't use liberally
function each(a, fn) {
var i = 0, l = a.length
for (; i < l; i++) fn(a[i])

function flatten(ar) {
for (var r = [], i = 0, l = ar.length; i < l; ++i) arrayLike(ar[i]) ? (r = r.concat(ar[i])) : (r[r.length] = ar[i])
return r

function arrayify(ar) {
var i = 0, l = ar.length, r = []
for (; i < l; i++) r[i] = ar[i]
return r

function previous(n) {
while (n = n.previousSibling) if (n[nodeType] == 1) break;
return n

function q(query) {
return query.match(chunker)

// called using `this` as element and arguments from regex group results.
// given => div.hello[title="world"]:foo('bar')
// div.hello[title="world"]:foo('bar'), div, .hello, [title="world"], title, =, world, :foo('bar'), foo, ('bar'), bar]
function interpret(whole, tag, idsAndClasses, wholeAttribute, attribute, qualifier, value, wholePseudo, pseudo, wholePseudoVal, pseudoVal) {
var i, m, k, o, classes
if (this[nodeType] !== 1) return false
if (tag && tag !== '*' && this[tagName] && this[tagName].toLowerCase() !== tag) return false
if (idsAndClasses && (m = idsAndClasses.match(id)) && m[1] !== return false
if (idsAndClasses && (classes = idsAndClasses.match(clas))) {
for (i = classes.length; i--;) if (!classRegex(classes[i].slice(1)).test(this.className)) return false
if (pseudo && qwery.pseudos[pseudo] && !qwery.pseudos[pseudo](this, pseudoVal)) return false
if (wholeAttribute && !value) { // select is just for existance of attrib
o = this.attributes
for (k in o) {
if (, k) && (o[k].name || k) == attribute) {
return this
if (wholeAttribute && !checkAttr(qualifier, getAttr(this, attribute) || '', value)) {
// select is for attrib equality
return false
return this

function clean(s) {
return cleanCache.g(s) || cleanCache.s(s, s.replace(specialChars, '\\$1'))

function checkAttr(qualify, actual, val) {
switch (qualify) {
case '=':
return actual == val
case '^=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g('^=' + val) || attrCache.s('^=' + val, '^' + clean(val), 1))
case '$=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g('$=' + val) || attrCache.s('$=' + val, clean(val) + '$', 1))
case '*=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g(val) || attrCache.s(val, clean(val), 1))
case '~=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g('~=' + val) || attrCache.s('~=' + val, '(?:^|\\s+)' + clean(val) + '(?:\\s+|$)', 1))
case '|=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g('|=' + val) || attrCache.s('|=' + val, '^' + clean(val) + '(-|$)', 1))
return 0

// given a selector, first check for simple cases then collect all base candidate matches and filter
function _qwery(selector, _root) {
var r = [], ret = [], i, l, m, token, tag, els, intr, item, root = _root
, tokens = tokenCache.g(selector) || tokenCache.s(selector, selector.split(tokenizr))
, dividedTokens = selector.match(dividers)

if (!tokens.length) return r

token = (tokens = tokens.slice(0)).pop() // copy cached tokens, take the last one
if (tokens.length && (m = tokens[tokens.length - 1].match(idOnly))) root = byId(_root, m[1])
if (!root) return r

intr = q(token)
// collect base candidates to filter
els = root !== _root && root[nodeType] !== 9 && dividedTokens && /^[+~]$/.test(dividedTokens[dividedTokens.length - 1]) ?
function (r) {
while (root = root.nextSibling) {
root[nodeType] == 1 && (intr[1] ? intr[1] == root[tagName].toLowerCase() : 1) && (r[r.length] = root)
return r
}([]) :
root[byTag](intr[1] || '*')
// filter elements according to the right-most part of the selector
for (i = 0, l = els.length; i < l; i++) {
if (item = interpret.apply(els[i], intr)) r[r.length] = item
if (!tokens.length) return r

// filter further according to the rest of the selector (the left side)
each(r, function (e) { if (ancestorMatch(e, tokens, dividedTokens)) ret[ret.length] = e })
return ret

// compare element to a selector
function is(el, selector, root) {
if (isNode(selector)) return el == selector
if (arrayLike(selector)) return !!~flatten(selector).indexOf(el) // if selector is an array, is el a member?

var selectors = selector.split(','), tokens, dividedTokens
while (selector = selectors.pop()) {
tokens = tokenCache.g(selector) || tokenCache.s(selector, selector.split(tokenizr))
dividedTokens = selector.match(dividers)
tokens = tokens.slice(0) // copy array
if (interpret.apply(el, q(tokens.pop())) && (!tokens.length || ancestorMatch(el, tokens, dividedTokens, root))) {
return true
return false

// given elements matching the right-most part of a selector, filter out any that don't match the rest
function ancestorMatch(el, tokens, dividedTokens, root) {
var cand
// recursively work backwards through the tokens and up the dom, covering all options
function crawl(e, i, p) {
while (p = walker[dividedTokens[i]](p, e)) {
if (isNode(p) && (interpret.apply(p, q(tokens[i])))) {
if (i) {
if (cand = crawl(p, i - 1, p)) return cand
} else return p
return (cand = crawl(el, tokens.length - 1, el)) && (!root || isAncestor(cand, root))

function isNode(el, t) {
return el && typeof el === 'object' && (t = el[nodeType]) && (t == 1 || t == 9)

function uniq(ar) {
var a = [], i, j;
for (i = 0; i < ar.length; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < a.length; ++j) if (a[j] == ar[i]) continue o
a[a.length] = ar[i]
return a

function arrayLike(o) {
return (typeof o === 'object' && isFinite(o.length))

function normalizeRoot(root) {
if (!root) return doc
if (typeof root == 'string') return qwery(root)[0]
if (!root[nodeType] && arrayLike(root)) return root[0]
return root

function byId(root, id, el) {
// if doc, query on it, else query the parent doc or if a detached fragment rewrite the query and run on the fragment
return root[nodeType] === 9 ? root.getElementById(id) :
root.ownerDocument &&
(((el = root.ownerDocument.getElementById(id)) && isAncestor(el, root) && el) ||
(!isAncestor(root, root.ownerDocument) && select('[id="' + id + '"]', root)[0]))

function qwery(selector, _root) {
var m, el, root = normalizeRoot(_root)

// easy, fast cases that we can dispatch with simple DOM calls
if (!root || !selector) return []
if (selector === window || isNode(selector)) {
return !_root || (selector !== window && isNode(root) && isAncestor(selector, root)) ? [selector] : []
if (selector && arrayLike(selector)) return flatten(selector)
if (m = selector.match(easy)) {
if (m[1]) return (el = byId(root, m[1])) ? [el] : []
if (m[2]) return arrayify(root[byTag](m[2]))
if (hasByClass && m[3]) return arrayify(root[byClass](m[3]))

return select(selector, root)

// where the root is not document and a relationship selector is first we have to
// do some awkward adjustments to get it to work, even with qSA
function collectSelector(root, collector) {
return function (s) {
var oid, nid
if (splittable.test(s)) {
if (root[nodeType] !== 9) {
// make sure the el has an id, rewrite the query, set root to doc and run it
if (!(nid = oid = root.getAttribute('id'))) root.setAttribute('id', nid = '__qwerymeupscotty')
s = '[id="' + nid + '"]' + s // avoid byId and allow us to match context element
collector(root.parentNode || root, s, true)
oid || root.removeAttribute('id')
s.length && collector(root, s, false)

var isAncestor = 'compareDocumentPosition' in html ?
function (element, container) {
return (container.compareDocumentPosition(element) & 16) == 16
} : 'contains' in html ?
function (element, container) {
container = container[nodeType] === 9 || container == window ? html : container
return container !== element && container.contains(element)
} :
function (element, container) {
while (element = element.parentNode) if (element === container) return 1
return 0
, getAttr = function () {
// detect buggy IE src/href getAttribute() call
var e = doc.createElement('p')
return ((e.innerHTML = '<a href="#x">x</a>') && e.firstChild.getAttribute('href') != '#x') ?
function (e, a) {
return a === 'class' ? e.className : (a === 'href' || a === 'src') ?
e.getAttribute(a, 2) : e.getAttribute(a)
} :
function (e, a) { return e.getAttribute(a) }
, hasByClass = !!doc[byClass]
// has native qSA support
, hasQSA = doc.querySelector && doc[qSA]
// use native qSA
, selectQSA = function (selector, root) {
var result = [], ss, e
try {
if (root[nodeType] === 9 || !splittable.test(selector)) {
// most work is done right here, defer to qSA
return arrayify(root[qSA](selector))
// special case where we need the services of `collectSelector()`
each(ss = selector.split(','), collectSelector(root, function (ctx, s) {
e = ctx[qSA](s)
if (e.length == 1) result[result.length] = e.item(0)
else if (e.length) result = result.concat(arrayify(e))
return ss.length > 1 && result.length > 1 ? uniq(result) : result
} catch (ex) { }
return selectNonNative(selector, root)
// no native selector support
, selectNonNative = function (selector, root) {
var result = [], items, m, i, l, r, ss
selector = selector.replace(normalizr, '$1')
if (m = selector.match(tagAndOrClass)) {
r = classRegex(m[2])
items = root[byTag](m[1] || '*')
for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
if (r.test(items[i].className)) result[result.length] = items[i]
return result
// more complex selector, get `_qwery()` to do the work for us
each(ss = selector.split(','), collectSelector(root, function (ctx, s, rewrite) {
r = _qwery(s, ctx)
for (i = 0, l = r.length; i < l; i++) {
if (ctx[nodeType] === 9 || rewrite || isAncestor(r[i], root)) result[result.length] = r[i]
return ss.length > 1 && result.length > 1 ? uniq(result) : result
, configure = function (options) {
// configNativeQSA: use fully-internal selector or native qSA where present
if (typeof options[useNativeQSA] !== 'undefined')
select = !options[useNativeQSA] ? selectNonNative : hasQSA ? selectQSA : selectNonNative

configure({ useNativeQSA: true })

qwery.configure = configure
qwery.uniq = uniq = is
qwery.pseudos = {}

return qwery
377 changes: 1 addition & 376 deletions dist/pbjs.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* Copyright 2013 Niek Saarberg
* Licensed MIT
* Build date 2013-12-05 11:06
* Build date 2013-12-06 14:05
(function ( name, context, definition ) {

@@ -3217,11 +3217,6 @@ PB.overwrite(PB.Request, {

PB.get('file.json', {foo: 'bar'}, function ( t ) {
PB.each({get: 'GET', post: 'POST', put: 'PUT', del: 'DELETE'}, function ( key, value ) {
// arguments -> url, data, success, error ?
@@ -3889,373 +3884,3 @@ if( !supportsTextContent ) {


* @preserve Qwery - A Blazing Fast query selector engine
* copyright Dustin Diaz 2012
* MIT License

(function (name, context, definition) {
if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = definition()
else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define(definition)
else context[name] = definition()
})('qwery', this, function () {
var doc = document
, html = doc.documentElement
, byClass = 'getElementsByClassName'
, byTag = 'getElementsByTagName'
, qSA = 'querySelectorAll'
, useNativeQSA = 'useNativeQSA'
, tagName = 'tagName'
, nodeType = 'nodeType'
, select // main select() method, assign later

, id = /#([\w\-]+)/
, clas = /\.[\w\-]+/g
, idOnly = /^#([\w\-]+)$/
, classOnly = /^\.([\w\-]+)$/
, tagOnly = /^([\w\-]+)$/
, tagAndOrClass = /^([\w]+)?\.([\w\-]+)$/
, splittable = /(^|,)\s*[>~+]/
, normalizr = /^\s+|\s*([,\s\+\~>]|$)\s*/g
, splitters = /[\s\>\+\~]/
, splittersMore = /(?![\s\w\-\/\?\&\=\:\.\(\)\!,@#%<>\{\}\$\*\^'"]*\]|[\s\w\+\-]*\))/
, specialChars = /([.*+?\^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g
, simple = /^(\*|[a-z0-9]+)?(?:([\.\#]+[\w\-\.#]+)?)/
, attr = /\[([\w\-]+)(?:([\|\^\$\*\~]?\=)['"]?([ \w\-\/\?\&\=\:\.\(\)\!,@#%<>\{\}\$\*\^]+)["']?)?\]/
, pseudo = /:([\w\-]+)(\(['"]?([^()]+)['"]?\))?/
, easy = new RegExp(idOnly.source + '|' + tagOnly.source + '|' + classOnly.source)
, dividers = new RegExp('(' + splitters.source + ')' + splittersMore.source, 'g')
, tokenizr = new RegExp(splitters.source + splittersMore.source)
, chunker = new RegExp(simple.source + '(' + attr.source + ')?' + '(' + pseudo.source + ')?')

var walker = {
' ': function (node) {
return node && node !== html && node.parentNode
, '>': function (node, contestant) {
return node && node.parentNode == contestant.parentNode && node.parentNode
, '~': function (node) {
return node && node.previousSibling
, '+': function (node, contestant, p1, p2) {
if (!node) return false
return (p1 = previous(node)) && (p2 = previous(contestant)) && p1 == p2 && p1

function cache() {
this.c = {}
cache.prototype = {
g: function (k) {
return this.c[k] || undefined
, s: function (k, v, r) {
v = r ? new RegExp(v) : v
return (this.c[k] = v)

var classCache = new cache()
, cleanCache = new cache()
, attrCache = new cache()
, tokenCache = new cache()

function classRegex(c) {
return classCache.g(c) || classCache.s(c, '(^|\\s+)' + c + '(\\s+|$)', 1)

// not quite as fast as inline loops in older browsers so don't use liberally
function each(a, fn) {
var i = 0, l = a.length
for (; i < l; i++) fn(a[i])

function flatten(ar) {
for (var r = [], i = 0, l = ar.length; i < l; ++i) arrayLike(ar[i]) ? (r = r.concat(ar[i])) : (r[r.length] = ar[i])
return r

function arrayify(ar) {
var i = 0, l = ar.length, r = []
for (; i < l; i++) r[i] = ar[i]
return r

function previous(n) {
while (n = n.previousSibling) if (n[nodeType] == 1) break;
return n

function q(query) {
return query.match(chunker)

// called using `this` as element and arguments from regex group results.
// given => div.hello[title="world"]:foo('bar')
// div.hello[title="world"]:foo('bar'), div, .hello, [title="world"], title, =, world, :foo('bar'), foo, ('bar'), bar]
function interpret(whole, tag, idsAndClasses, wholeAttribute, attribute, qualifier, value, wholePseudo, pseudo, wholePseudoVal, pseudoVal) {
var i, m, k, o, classes
if (this[nodeType] !== 1) return false
if (tag && tag !== '*' && this[tagName] && this[tagName].toLowerCase() !== tag) return false
if (idsAndClasses && (m = idsAndClasses.match(id)) && m[1] !== return false
if (idsAndClasses && (classes = idsAndClasses.match(clas))) {
for (i = classes.length; i--;) if (!classRegex(classes[i].slice(1)).test(this.className)) return false
if (pseudo && qwery.pseudos[pseudo] && !qwery.pseudos[pseudo](this, pseudoVal)) return false
if (wholeAttribute && !value) { // select is just for existance of attrib
o = this.attributes
for (k in o) {
if (, k) && (o[k].name || k) == attribute) {
return this
if (wholeAttribute && !checkAttr(qualifier, getAttr(this, attribute) || '', value)) {
// select is for attrib equality
return false
return this

function clean(s) {
return cleanCache.g(s) || cleanCache.s(s, s.replace(specialChars, '\\$1'))

function checkAttr(qualify, actual, val) {
switch (qualify) {
case '=':
return actual == val
case '^=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g('^=' + val) || attrCache.s('^=' + val, '^' + clean(val), 1))
case '$=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g('$=' + val) || attrCache.s('$=' + val, clean(val) + '$', 1))
case '*=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g(val) || attrCache.s(val, clean(val), 1))
case '~=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g('~=' + val) || attrCache.s('~=' + val, '(?:^|\\s+)' + clean(val) + '(?:\\s+|$)', 1))
case '|=':
return actual.match(attrCache.g('|=' + val) || attrCache.s('|=' + val, '^' + clean(val) + '(-|$)', 1))
return 0

// given a selector, first check for simple cases then collect all base candidate matches and filter
function _qwery(selector, _root) {
var r = [], ret = [], i, l, m, token, tag, els, intr, item, root = _root
, tokens = tokenCache.g(selector) || tokenCache.s(selector, selector.split(tokenizr))
, dividedTokens = selector.match(dividers)

if (!tokens.length) return r

token = (tokens = tokens.slice(0)).pop() // copy cached tokens, take the last one
if (tokens.length && (m = tokens[tokens.length - 1].match(idOnly))) root = byId(_root, m[1])
if (!root) return r

intr = q(token)
// collect base candidates to filter
els = root !== _root && root[nodeType] !== 9 && dividedTokens && /^[+~]$/.test(dividedTokens[dividedTokens.length - 1]) ?
function (r) {
while (root = root.nextSibling) {
root[nodeType] == 1 && (intr[1] ? intr[1] == root[tagName].toLowerCase() : 1) && (r[r.length] = root)
return r
}([]) :
root[byTag](intr[1] || '*')
// filter elements according to the right-most part of the selector
for (i = 0, l = els.length; i < l; i++) {
if (item = interpret.apply(els[i], intr)) r[r.length] = item
if (!tokens.length) return r

// filter further according to the rest of the selector (the left side)
each(r, function (e) { if (ancestorMatch(e, tokens, dividedTokens)) ret[ret.length] = e })
return ret

// compare element to a selector
function is(el, selector, root) {
if (isNode(selector)) return el == selector
if (arrayLike(selector)) return !!~flatten(selector).indexOf(el) // if selector is an array, is el a member?

var selectors = selector.split(','), tokens, dividedTokens
while (selector = selectors.pop()) {
tokens = tokenCache.g(selector) || tokenCache.s(selector, selector.split(tokenizr))
dividedTokens = selector.match(dividers)
tokens = tokens.slice(0) // copy array
if (interpret.apply(el, q(tokens.pop())) && (!tokens.length || ancestorMatch(el, tokens, dividedTokens, root))) {
return true
return false

// given elements matching the right-most part of a selector, filter out any that don't match the rest
function ancestorMatch(el, tokens, dividedTokens, root) {
var cand
// recursively work backwards through the tokens and up the dom, covering all options
function crawl(e, i, p) {
while (p = walker[dividedTokens[i]](p, e)) {
if (isNode(p) && (interpret.apply(p, q(tokens[i])))) {
if (i) {
if (cand = crawl(p, i - 1, p)) return cand
} else return p
return (cand = crawl(el, tokens.length - 1, el)) && (!root || isAncestor(cand, root))

function isNode(el, t) {
return el && typeof el === 'object' && (t = el[nodeType]) && (t == 1 || t == 9)

function uniq(ar) {
var a = [], i, j;
for (i = 0; i < ar.length; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < a.length; ++j) if (a[j] == ar[i]) continue o
a[a.length] = ar[i]
return a

function arrayLike(o) {
return (typeof o === 'object' && isFinite(o.length))

function normalizeRoot(root) {
if (!root) return doc
if (typeof root == 'string') return qwery(root)[0]
if (!root[nodeType] && arrayLike(root)) return root[0]
return root

function byId(root, id, el) {
// if doc, query on it, else query the parent doc or if a detached fragment rewrite the query and run on the fragment
return root[nodeType] === 9 ? root.getElementById(id) :
root.ownerDocument &&
(((el = root.ownerDocument.getElementById(id)) && isAncestor(el, root) && el) ||
(!isAncestor(root, root.ownerDocument) && select('[id="' + id + '"]', root)[0]))

function qwery(selector, _root) {
var m, el, root = normalizeRoot(_root)

// easy, fast cases that we can dispatch with simple DOM calls
if (!root || !selector) return []
if (selector === window || isNode(selector)) {
return !_root || (selector !== window && isNode(root) && isAncestor(selector, root)) ? [selector] : []
if (selector && arrayLike(selector)) return flatten(selector)
if (m = selector.match(easy)) {
if (m[1]) return (el = byId(root, m[1])) ? [el] : []
if (m[2]) return arrayify(root[byTag](m[2]))
if (hasByClass && m[3]) return arrayify(root[byClass](m[3]))

return select(selector, root)

// where the root is not document and a relationship selector is first we have to
// do some awkward adjustments to get it to work, even with qSA
function collectSelector(root, collector) {
return function (s) {
var oid, nid
if (splittable.test(s)) {
if (root[nodeType] !== 9) {
// make sure the el has an id, rewrite the query, set root to doc and run it
if (!(nid = oid = root.getAttribute('id'))) root.setAttribute('id', nid = '__qwerymeupscotty')
s = '[id="' + nid + '"]' + s // avoid byId and allow us to match context element
collector(root.parentNode || root, s, true)
oid || root.removeAttribute('id')
s.length && collector(root, s, false)

var isAncestor = 'compareDocumentPosition' in html ?
function (element, container) {
return (container.compareDocumentPosition(element) & 16) == 16
} : 'contains' in html ?
function (element, container) {
container = container[nodeType] === 9 || container == window ? html : container
return container !== element && container.contains(element)
} :
function (element, container) {
while (element = element.parentNode) if (element === container) return 1
return 0
, getAttr = function () {
// detect buggy IE src/href getAttribute() call
var e = doc.createElement('p')
return ((e.innerHTML = '<a href="#x">x</a>') && e.firstChild.getAttribute('href') != '#x') ?
function (e, a) {
return a === 'class' ? e.className : (a === 'href' || a === 'src') ?
e.getAttribute(a, 2) : e.getAttribute(a)
} :
function (e, a) { return e.getAttribute(a) }
, hasByClass = !!doc[byClass]
// has native qSA support
, hasQSA = doc.querySelector && doc[qSA]
// use native qSA
, selectQSA = function (selector, root) {
var result = [], ss, e
try {
if (root[nodeType] === 9 || !splittable.test(selector)) {
// most work is done right here, defer to qSA
return arrayify(root[qSA](selector))
// special case where we need the services of `collectSelector()`
each(ss = selector.split(','), collectSelector(root, function (ctx, s) {
e = ctx[qSA](s)
if (e.length == 1) result[result.length] = e.item(0)
else if (e.length) result = result.concat(arrayify(e))
return ss.length > 1 && result.length > 1 ? uniq(result) : result
} catch (ex) { }
return selectNonNative(selector, root)
// no native selector support
, selectNonNative = function (selector, root) {
var result = [], items, m, i, l, r, ss
selector = selector.replace(normalizr, '$1')
if (m = selector.match(tagAndOrClass)) {
r = classRegex(m[2])
items = root[byTag](m[1] || '*')
for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
if (r.test(items[i].className)) result[result.length] = items[i]
return result
// more complex selector, get `_qwery()` to do the work for us
each(ss = selector.split(','), collectSelector(root, function (ctx, s, rewrite) {
r = _qwery(s, ctx)
for (i = 0, l = r.length; i < l; i++) {
if (ctx[nodeType] === 9 || rewrite || isAncestor(r[i], root)) result[result.length] = r[i]
return ss.length > 1 && result.length > 1 ? uniq(result) : result
, configure = function (options) {
// configNativeQSA: use fully-internal selector or native qSA where present
if (typeof options[useNativeQSA] !== 'undefined')
select = !options[useNativeQSA] ? selectNonNative : hasQSA ? selectQSA : selectNonNative

configure({ useNativeQSA: true })

qwery.configure = configure
qwery.uniq = uniq = is
qwery.pseudos = {}

return qwery
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions dist/pbjs.min.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/PB-$.md
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@


### PB.$.Ready
### PB.Ready

Add callback for when the dom is ready for manipulation.

###### Signature
PB.$.ready(function ( PB ) {
PB.ready(function ( PB ) {

// Document ready to be touched

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